
Sunday, May 15, 2016

On A Petty CIA=SEALDs=NED Philistine: 政治団体SEALDsと全米民主主義基金(NED)=人工芝による偽装民主化運動

NED-funded Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Vietnam VOICE and the student group SEALDs from Japan reached agreement to establish international fake grass roots movement network for future joint-operations in Manilla in April 2016!  



 Analysing Report:  

Japan’s SEALDs is a NED-funded Fake Grass Roots Movement.  NED is an organization that funded and guided by State Department to disturb and manipulate targeted countries or regions by organising and funding NGOs to conduct its mass operations.


事実関係:カラー革命、アラブの春、台湾ひまわり運動、香港傘革命、ベトナム/フィリピンVOICE反中運動などが、全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)に、資金援助されその人工芝運動を実施してきたことは大方周知の事実である。

Facts: As a matter of fact, Color Revolution, Arab Spring, Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Vietnam and Philippine Anti-China Movement VOICE are funded by NED

本年4月上旬から中旬にフィリピンのマニラで全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)が支援する東アジアのこれらの人工芝運動の代表達が集い、活動報告を行い、未来の国際的な合作とネットワーク化に合意した。

NED funded fake grass roots group leaders gathered together in Manilla in Philippine in the middle of this April 2016. At the conference, they did not only reporting their activities for each other, then they also reached an agreement to establish international network for their future complexed international operations.  

評価:全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)の支援するこれらの人工芝運動団体の組織と迎合、協調する組織も、彼らと合作する組織も全体として全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)の勢力を構成する。

Calculation: In general, all groups and organizations that follow them, connect with them, in tune with them, cooperate with them are part of NED groups and its schemes. 

この会合の表向きの主催者団体は、ベトナムに拠点を持ち、全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)にファンドされて反政府、反中活動を行っているVOICEというNGOである。しかも、VOICEは同じく全米民主主義基金NEDにファンドされて反政府テロに従事しているViettanと関連した組織である。それは、しかもフィリピンに支部を持っており、フィリピンの反中でもお馴染みである。

On the surface, the organizer of the Manilla Gathering was NED-funded NGO, VOICE. It is basically a Vietnamese political organization for anti-government and anti-China movement, but it also has a branch in Philippine. Furthermore, VOICE is seemed to be a branch of the anti-government terrorist group Viettan that also funded by NED. 

Viettan is known as Vietnamese notorious anti-China Movement in both Viettnam and Philippine in 2014, also it is well established anti-gorvernment terrorist group that funded by US and located all over the world.   

References: (フィリピン反中デモもこのベトナム人学生団体による人工芝運動だった。)




The first conference of young political groups in which they discussed about Asian democracy and situations of democratization was held in the capital city Manilla for three days. 



Representatives from countries like Japan, Philippine and more than ten countries or regions attended the meeting. Then, they agreed unanimously that they will cooperate and establish network for development of Asian democracy. 


Japanese representatives were Aki Okuda(23) and Chiharu Takano(22) whose organization, SEALDs known for anti-national security law and Demonstration at the front of Parliament(Diet).


Taiwanese representatives were two student leaders of Sunflower movement that occupied their parliament for disagreeing with forcible decision on Service Trade Agreement between China and Taiwan.  


Hong Kong representatives were two ex-chiefs of secretary of Umbrella Revolution that occupied Central Hong Kong for pursuing democracy and fair election. And others were from Philippine, Vietnam and Myanmar. Besides these, there were some democratic activists who could not disclose their attendance for safe consideration under their domestic situations. 


During the conference, they mentioned the present situation and future of their own countries or regions, and they agreed exchanging information of each other and co-operations by learning each advantages. 


The first conference was held in Philippine due to the NGO, VOICE which operates between Philippine and Vietnam. And they plan organizing annual conference and publishing joint statement. 


After the meeting, Mr.Okuda and Ms.Takano told to Manilla News that other representatives applauded their speaking choir in rap music style and pop cultured demonstration as ‘innovative’. 


Moreover, they said that they were astonished when others said: Japan is progressively the most democratic country in Asia. 


Mr.Okuda commented that the situations of every countries are different, and their aimed form of democracy differs from each other. However, he also said: Don’t forget that we can achive that goal as long as we keep fighting. He stated they will keep observing the practice of the national security law. 

(冨田すみれ子)Sumireko Tomita reported. 

The reporter of the article was Sumireko Tomita who has close relationship with SEALDs.



And more serious matter is that the truth of the Manilla Shinbun
Manilla Shinbun is a member of The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad. Then, The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad belongs to JICA (a.k.a. Japanese International Cooperation Agency). JICA has been in cooperation with NED for long years. See the Symposium that they held with each other.Their aim is so called Democratisation. Ofcourse, it means in its true meaning that it is political destabilisation of targeted countries or regions. 


In sum,  JICA is one of key partners of NED in Japan. 

JICA owns The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad and its member Manilla Shinbun which exclusively reported the news of the Manilla Gathering.              

About VOICE, you can read the article below for further knowledge on the issue. 


Beware of Trinh Hoi and VOICE - A branch of terrorist Viettan

Recently, several anti-governmental individuals have established series of illegal groups and organizations in the name of civil society such as Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, League of Independent Vietnamese Writers, the Network of Vietnamese Bloggers, Association of Bau Bi Tuong Than coordinated by Le Thi Cong Nhan, Vietnamese Women for Human Rights coordinated by Huynh Thuc Vi, Brotherhood for Democracy coordinated by Nguyen Van Dai, Vietnamese Political & Religiuos Prisoners Friendship Association coordinated by Nguyen Bac Truyen, Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience coordinated by Pham Ba Hai,… All these groups and organizations are born to oppose the Party and State of Vietnam. They try to abuse complicated and sensitive matters to distort the Party and State’s policies. 
 Rising from these groups, VOICE - an organization led by Trinh Hoi have showed many activities that go against common interests of Vietnam. So, who are Trinh Hoi and VOICE? Let find out with us.
 From his introduction, we can see Trinh Hoi has a shiny CV (curriculum vitae) with a dream job, lawyer and has worked as an actor which for that he was awarded the Gold Kite  prize of excellent main actor by the Vietnam Cinema Association, and it’s minded that he also was former son-in-law of general Nguyen Cao Ky, Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s husband. 
 Trinh Hoi was born in 1970 in Ho Chi Minh city. At the age of 15, he left Vietnam like other Vietnamese people at this time to earn themselves a better life and came to Australia. In abroad, he has taken part and conducted many activities with anti-Vietnam forces, including Viettan, a known terrorist organization.
 In 2008, he cried out he was summoned by Vietnam’s security authorities about his involvement with Hoang Tu Duy - a spokesman of terrorist organization Viettan and was forbidden to enter the country.   
 Though there are not much information about this man, we still can see his true face by the act of using Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s email address, after divorce, to spread articles denoucing the government inside and outside the country and inciting protests and violence. Those articles had been sent to many forums and email addresses that shocked many people about Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s aggressive attitude. It took her time and efforts to explain these allegations.
 According to anti-Viettan elements abroad, after being forbidden to come back Vietnam, Trinh Hoi has held many activities against the Party and State of Vietnam in the name of Viettan. For years ago, Trinh Hoi was a member of Len duong International Vietnamese Youth in Australia, a franchise of Viettan, which has nurtured some so-called member of Viettan central committee. Even, Trinh Hoi always insists that he is not a member of Viettan, (a common characteristic of members of Viettan to avoid being boycotted by overseas Vietnamese who don’t want to engage with this terrorist organization), but through all his activities we can draw an obvious answer for ourselves.
 About VOICE, established in 2007, which Trinh Hoi is a founder and a director for the Philippines’ franchise, which Viettan built up to collect fund from na?ve people and many kinds of Western funds of democracy and human rights. VOICE stands for "Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment", an organization that disguise as a charity one to conduct activities against the State and people of Vietnam. VOICE has launched many training courses to create elements for anti-government campaigns.
 Particularly, VOICE branch in Philippines, which led by Trinh Hoi, is claimed working to assist last Vietnamese boatmen with resettlements in Canada, and to support victims in Haiyan storm. But, the truth is he and his organization are trying to collect money for their activities against Vietnam.
 It is said that with broad range of alleged charity activities, Trinh Hoi and VOICE have used their names just to raise fund for Viettan. For example, to operations of training elements for civil society movements, each year, VOICE has received a proper amount of money from National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Human Rights Watch. But with all these budget, VOICE just can find enough individuals for their cources, so they have to use same trainees over and over.
 So, while seeing Viettan as a terrorist organization against the State and people of Vietnam, through their complicity, it’s time for us to exclude VOICE from civil society organizations and name them as a terrorist branch, and they must be condemned!./.


Conclusion: In its nature, the Manilla Gathering was organised by NED. In other words, it's a conference of NED funded Grass Roots Movements such groups as Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Vietnam/Philippine VOICE/Viet Tan, and Japan's SEALDs. And this was not only a reconstruction of NED funded FakeGrass Roots Movements in East Asia and its network, but also it prepares future joint actions of these groups. 

白熱講義! 日本国憲法改正 (ベスト新書)
白熱講義! 日本国憲法改正 (ベスト新書)
小林 節著
エディション: 新書
価格: ¥ 864

5つ星のうち 1.0 白熱日和見主義!安倍様の改憲論者が反安倍改憲派をマーケットにし、自分が議員になろうとしている! 2016/5/15


シールズとそれに買収された利権集団による抽象的で不毛な憲法問題へのシングルイシュー化と、シールズ同様にジャパンハンドラーの影響が強い民進党への偏重した統一候補擁立は相互補完的であり対米隷属の二大政党制をもたらす! 25%運動のアイディアは偽装集団に盗取、悪用されている。






出典:ダイヤモンド・オンライン 2013年7月26日

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