Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Passage of PROC to its HK – Open Letter to NED : NED-funded Network of Young Democratic Asians, NOYDA (亞洲青年民主陣線; 亞洲青年民主網路; 亞洲青年民主連線) - The Anti-Empire Report Far East 2013-2018

Smart Phone ver.

NED-Asian Colour Revolutionary Network, NOYDA 

Network of Young Democratic Asians?


Export of 'Democracy' is Anti-Democracy 

Note: Some parts of this analysis were written in different languages for different regions' readers particularly due to responsibility of social practice in their own regions. And this analysis is kept updated and transformable anytime. However, its main focus is not western countries but it especially focuses Asia. Exposing their networks is an effective way of preventing imperialist conspiracies. 

Recommended Author on this global political issue 'Stealth Imperialism' (a.k.a. Colour Revolution; Regime Change for imperialism) is Mr.William Blum.  

URL: http://williamblum.org/  

Don't forget that the most democratic intelligentsias are also located in USA. This is not anti-US but it is just anti-imperialism. Recovering true democratic values of USA is part of international struggles. We should not be racists. 

I also recommend other insightful sites for recovering US democracy, please visit 

Chalmers Johnson and Noam Chomsky are also recommended authors on the issue 'neo-liberalism'. 

The most recommended video on this topic 'Colour Revolution' is below:

URL: John Pilger's The War on Democracy (UK, 2007)

What is 'Colour Revolution'?  顏色革命是什麼?

The perfect definition of it is professionally done by Russians. It is a kind of nonmilitary method created during the Cold War era but it serves for traditional military causes without real fires among nuclear weapon-owned countries. This tactic is an alternative military tactic that complete regime change via internal agents within the targeted country or region. There are at least three phases for this regime change.

 The 1st. phase is to evolve internal regime change by NGOs, oppositions, popular front and agents within the nation or region. See Soviet Union in 1987, there were more than 3 millions of anti-Soviet NGOs that funded by the West. It formed anti-communist 'popular front.' 

 The 2nd. phase is to instigate sabotages, strikes and military rebellions. Infiltrating workers' unions done by Solidarity Centre and US embassy. See March 22, 1991 Mine Strikes in Donbass. Military Coup is done by US embassy with oppositions in military. See Chile's 1973 Military Coup.  

The 3rd. phase is direct military invasion by US forces. See Panama Invasion of 1989 and Iraq War in 2011. These regime changes were mixed with internal colour revolution methods. After failed attempts of colour revolution, US imperialist State Department decided to let the president's military forces to invade these nations. Thus, colour revolution is not a pure peaceful tactic. It is part of military invasion in the entire imperialist context. 

Russian military officers now tied the term “Color Revolution” to the crisis in Ukraine and to what they saw as a new US and European approach to warfare that focuses on creating destabilizing revolutions in other states as a means of serving their security interests at low cost and with minimal casualties. 

Source from https://www.csis.org/analysis/russia-and-“color-revolution”

“Attempts to impose homemade recipes for internal changes on other nations, without taking into account their own traditions and national characteristics, to engage in the ‘export of democracy,’ have a destructive impact on international relations and result in an increase of the number of hot spots on the world map.”

RIA Novosti

May 23, 2014 ‘Color Revolutions’ Cause Apparent Damage to International Stability – Lavrov 
Source: http://rickrozoff.wordpress.com/2014/05/26/color-revolutions-upset-global-stability-russian-foreign-minister/

In sum, so called 'colour revolution' (a.k.a. He-ping Yan-bian, 和平演變, peaceful internal transformation which named by ex-US ambassador to Soviet in 1947) is US and West imperialist attempt to impose homemade recipes for internal changes on other nations, and creating destabilizing fake uprisings as a means of serving their security and economic interests at low costs, minimal risks of direct conducts of dirty wars and with minimal casualties. China is the largest target for its Asia strategy. 



NOYDA=NED Colour Revolutionary Network of Young Asians 

NED-funded Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Việt Tân VOICE, SFT and the student group SEALDs (ReDEMOS, Public 4 Future) from Japan reached the agreement to establish international fake-grass-roots-movement network for future joint-operations at Manila gathering in April 2016!  The NED network called NOYDA. 

NED=NDI=ADN=USAID=CIA mentioned in the document so called '2012 Strategy Document,' NED is going to establish cross-regional networks of activists which including recruit of young people. In 2017, SEALDs was already an old name of the same organization. It is now called ReDEMOS and Public 4 Future. 

在NED的「2012 Strategy Document」中,NED的重要目標之一,就是建立跨境激進分子網絡,當中年輕人便是計劃的主要構成部分。''  See more: https://hkgpao.com/articles/83167



What happens in Hong Kong, China is exactly the same with what happened in Soviet Union in 1991! For stealth imperialists, HK is a gate to steal China. 



Hong Kong's NED fund was done via Hong Kong-based NDI  

NED-NDI-Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe-Anti-China Members of Legistlative Counsel 立法會非建制議員-League of Social Democrats 社民連-Project Civil Referendum 全民投票實踐計劃 Network exposed!Grab the Network of Which Instigating Conflicts!

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) serves as a conduit for the US Congress to channel US Government funds to the NED’s four core grantees to conduct programs around the world. Hong Kong has been the target of such funding since 1994. 

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is one of the NED’s four core grantees and represents the Republican Party in the NED. It is a sister body of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), which represents the Democratic Party.         
                                                                                                               -Kevin Law 





Note: If the inserted video has some technical error to view, please visit the video page.

再有鐵證踢爆反對派與外國勢力同流合污,企圖搞禍香港。有影片顯示在反對派上次發動所謂的“五區公投”前夕,反對派成員曾經和接受美國政府資助的美國國際民主研究院的成員以及一眾外國學者見面,商討如何利用行動來發展勢力。當中更加提出要利用網路社交平台以及青少年來壯大行動的聲勢,顯示外國勢力早在很久之前就已經入侵到香港的立法會當中;而一眾反對派議員就甘為外力所用,出賣香港。   全國人大常委會法工委副主任張榮順在早前的基本法研討會上強調,香港基本法不是為“某些勢力”提供舞台,讓其有機會奪取香港管治權。反對派卻“詐傻扮懵”,聲稱不清楚“某些勢力”為何物,但這個偽裝卻馬上拆穿。   今次的片段源自於2009年11月15日,香港反對派與包括NDI成員在內的外國學者在相信是香港某一地點討論“五區公投”的研討會片段的連結。片段出現的人物包括,美國政府資助的美國國際民主研究院項目經理Belinda Winterbourne、項目主任Stephen Tong、“歐洲運動及公投研究所”(Initiative and Referendum Institute Europe)主席Burno Kaufmann等外國學者。令人驚訝的是,時任立法會議員的何秀蘭、“全民投票實踐計劃”成員的范國威及社民連政策研究員楊繼昌赫然也是活動的席上賓。   在影片中,Belinda Winterbourne高調錶示,隨著Facebook這類社交網路平台逐步普及,網際網路是“最好的教育及提供資助渠道”,提示要策動更多的網路言論來為市民“洗腦”。Burno Kaufmann則指“學生和學院的參與是關鍵因素”,因為這樣才可以建立將來的“活躍分子、選民及決策者”。   身為港人的楊繼昌對於這些出賣香港的言論不但沒有反對,反而表示是次的所謂“公投”是一個策略,目的是要動員市民,成就首次以投票來反對中央政府的行動,藉此向中央政府發出訊息。在旁的何秀蘭擔心言論泄露,連忙補充指,在該房間中所説的事都要保密。   這段影片的鏈接源於“Hong Kong Democracy Watch(香港民主監察)” Kevin Law日前向樑家傑發出公開信。信件除了以該段影片作為外國勢力插手香港內部事務的實證外,還批評樑家傑一方面與美國政府同流合污,另一方面卻擺出虛偽的姿態,挑戰質疑張榮順的言論。

NDI is officially considered that it has been engaging in destabilization of Hong Kong since 1997. However,  Kevin Law, Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor indicated that they have been funding anti-China scholars since 1995. Approximately more than 30,000,000 HKD had been spent on colour revolution in Hong Kong, China. NDI's main financial target is See the NDI and HK Agitators' Meeting Video. It proves that NDI and Anti-China agitators' cooperation is not a kind of 'Conspiracy Theory'(Conspiracy theory is a label against criticism on CIA covert operations which named by CIA).  NDI actually located in Hong Kong. 

Hong Kong Colour Revolution, 'Umbrella Movement' agitators originally tried to occupy government buildings. However, this detail was not well broad casted. There is a similarity between Sun Flower Movement and Hong Kong one. And it has evolved a form of colour revolution into more violent one. Colour Revolution is now not even a pure peaceful opposition. 

Resource: http://www.moonofalabama.org/2014/09/the-ned-hong-kong-riots.html

Above chart is not obsolete even in 2017. For example, HKUPOP is still working and publishes manipulated public opinion polls to demonize authority. Hong Kong University's faculties and students are infiltrated by NDI. 


Kevin Law's Constructive work on NDI issues which titled 

NDI圖在港搞「顏色革命」 大灑金錢操控反對派 

See NED-NDI-HKU-HKPOP-CCPL-Tai Benny-Umbrella Movement Connection 

大公網2015年9月12日訊 (記者冼國強)《大公報》早前獨家踢爆傳聞是港大副校候選人的港大法律學院前院長陳文敏與美國政府資助的「美國國際民主研究院」(NDI)合作,涉嫌協助外國勢力在香港進行政治活動,推動「占中」。有市民去信美國國會研究服務部(CRS)和美國駐港總領事館,投訴「占中」幕後黑手NDI企圖在香港推動「顏色革命」,不但危及中國國家安全,而且損害香港繁榮穩定以及中美關係,要求美國有關當局進行問責。

《大公報》近期接到「香港民主監察」成員KevinLaw來函,附上他日前致美國國會研究服務部(CRS)主任Mary B. Mazanec和美國駐港總領事夏千福(Clifford A. Hart)的信件。Kevin Law批評上述美國國會研究服務部今年六月九日發表的一份有關香港政改的報告內容失實。他質疑NDI亞洲部主任Peter Manikas向國會報告時隱瞞推動「占中」的情況,他亦在信中列出多個NDI資助和推動「占中」的證據。


Kevin Law指出,自1995年起,NDI共投入逾3000萬港元,操控本港反對派及滲透大專院校,資助多個所謂「研究」和「青年」項目,以學術研究和學術自由做掩飾,訓練本港政團和年輕人積極介入政治,企圖推動「顏色革命」。

Kevin Law更在信中舉例指,「占中」爆發前,NDI資助港大比較法與公法研究中心,推出「港人講普選」網上平台,聲稱讓網民可自行設計普選方案,但目的是推動 香港年輕人和學生在普選問題上更積極地參與政治。「占中」發生後,這個由美國資金建立的網站,馬上變成支援占領者的平台,包括曾建議占領者改用通訊軟體 「Firechat」;提供防毒面具的購買地址;呼籲示威者扔掉身上利器,以免被起訴藏有攻擊性武器;向示威者提供被捕時的應對方式和律師聯繫電話等。

Kevin Law強調,NDI資助和推動「占中」活動,不但危害中國國家安全,而且損害香港繁榮穩定以及中美關係,要求美國有關當局進行問責。


據港大審計委員會報告,港大法律學院副教授戴耀廷代表港大收受了261萬元捐款,其中四筆合共145萬元是匿名捐款,包括由陳文敏經手、用於舉 辦政制發展和法治教育講座的30萬元;用於港大民研計劃設立電子投票系統作為所謂「全民公投」的80萬元資金;20萬元及15萬元予港大人文學院捐款,以 支持院方進行「信仰與法律」研究及聘請研究助理,而這名研究助理曾多次協助處理與「占中」相關工作。

對於捐款來源,戴耀廷一直遮遮掩掩,校方要求他交代捐款者的身份,他竟花逾六星期才提交一個人名作「捐款人」,不符合學者處理捐款的「預期行為 標準」。對此,戴耀廷須接受校方三項懲處,包括不能擔任管理層職位、不得接受捐款和不可監督研究員,期限約數年。而陳文敏亦未解釋清楚當時處理戴耀廷轉交的匿名捐款時,是否支持他和金主關係,對於如何理解資金來源亦是避重就輕。

而當「占中」問題帳目愈揭愈多,「占中」收支及其核數報告仍未見蹤影。戴耀廷日前在記者一再追問之下,才聲稱「占中」帳目最快下月初會有結果。 然而,戴耀廷仍然死不悔改,死撐自己在處理「秘密捐款」一事並無違反規則,又質疑審核委員會批評他處理「秘密捐款」只是涉及一些「雞毛蒜皮」的程序及安 排,稱「不符期望標準」之說欠缺法律基礎,更威脅稱倘自己受懲處,不排除會提出司法覆核。


根據「香港民主監察」的調查,「美國國際民 主研究院」(NDI)2012年,已從美國國家民主基金會(NED)獲得46萬美元,摺合港幣356.7萬元,其中有70.1萬港元用於資助港大,換言之 NDI仍有286.6萬港元不知去向。「香港民主監察」質疑這些資金大部分投放在大學和大學生身上,促請美國有關當局解釋。

「香港民主監察」成員KevinLaw日前去信美國國會研究服務部(CRS)主任Mary B. Mazanec和美國駐香港總領事夏千福(CliffordA.Hart),投訴NDI在香港資助和推動「占中」。


Kevin Law指出,根據2012年NED的中國(香港)年報,NDI已從NED獲批得46萬美元,摺合港幣356.7萬元,但根據港大審核委員會的報 告,2012年起,NDI共資助港大70.1萬港元(詳見表),包括在「占中三丑」之一戴耀廷於2013年1月首次提出違法「占中」概念後,NDI資助港 大法律學院比較法及公法研究中心的兩個項目,用作與「民主」有關的一系列指定研究,前者涉款38.4萬元,後者涉款24.6萬元。此外,NDI亦在 2014年11月資助鍾庭耀的港大民意研究計劃6.6萬港元,做有關政改的調查。

Kevin Law認為,NDI仍有286.6萬港元不知去向,美國有關當局有必要解釋。他又說,由於NED在撥款給NDI時表明,有關資金是用於提升大學生對政治改革的參與度,因此他推斷NDI的大部分資金都是投放在大學和大學生身上。

Visit Kavin Law's Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor: http://www.hkhrm.org.hk/english/more/index.html

 Also see the ex-NED bureaucrat's Testimony on HK Political Disturbances by NED and its puppets. NDI funding is NED funding in its true context and entirely US State Department funding. NED anti-China operations have been undergoing even in 1989. NED and its NDI are just part of anti-China NGOs which located in Hong Kong. China still did not eliminate colonial legacy and its ruling class in Hong Kong.   It's caused by the 50 years of maintaining 'colonial' Hong Kong status since 1997. China should wholly remove colonial class relationships of Hong Kong. One Country-Two Systems was not the best way of recovering colony, that was the better cover for the political compromise, but it was in its nature, Chinese compromise to UK imperialism inHK. 

香港相當於蘇聯當時的俄國,英美要求的政改是為了創造香港的葉利欽!香港的薩哈羅夫為李柱銘,香港的波波夫為李卓人! 除了人權,自由,民主,獨立以外,一國兩制的幌子也是西方帝國主義攻擊中港領導層的政治工具!一旦港版葉利欽上台後,就會禁止中央及其中共在香港境內的活動。就澳門而言,也就會是如此。



Letters which requests the communist leaders (one was for Jiang Zeming; the new one was for Xi Jinping) democracy of Hong Kong were sent by the same infiltrators who called themselves 'democrats' in Hong Kong while they were funded and supported by imperialist NED, imperialist media and UK intelligence agencies. It proves that they are all in the same context from colonial era to the present. Stealth imperialism versus Chinese people. 

Note: If the inserted video has some technical error to view, please visit the video page. 

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs,  Solidarity Centre (SC) and Freedom of Information. The fund has been continued after the failed Umbrella Revolution in 2014. 

For instance, in 2015, NDI Hong Kong claimed: 

The largest domestic patron of anti-China Colour Revolution and US Congressional Organization for anti-China Operations

蘋果日報,壹傳媒,黎智英 Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, IRI and CECC Connection 

You see main players of anti-China operations in Hong Kong including government authorities. Corruption, destabilization, colour revolution and transformation of morals. Hong Kong did not resolve its colonial status, but it maintained that by one country, two systems. 

The problem is Rimsky Yuen, chief of Department of Justice HK who was demoralized by infiltrators of the department and UK imperialist medium Reuters still did not bring the major patrons of the Occupy Central which made 4 million dollar damage to HK economy to the court of justice. It proves that the department has been infiltrated by US/UK agents who leaked internal information of argument on review of 9.26.2014 case to US medium Reuters. Reuters is on the side of colour revolution. 

Reuters reported that Yuen had overruled other legal officials when they advised against pursuing prison terms for the three activists.

Reuters did not show any informer of the news. Who are so called 'other legal officials'? These are the infiltrators to UK imperialists. Department of Justice of HK has been infiltrated to the certain extent. 



Next Digital Ltd.-Democratic Party-NED-Civic Party-Republican Connection

You can see major anti-China political parties' leaders (Martin Lee of Democratic Party; Tanya Chan of Civic Party)have tight connection with Next Digital Ltd., Jimmy Lai Chee-yin who owns the largest anti-China medium, Apple Daily which sold in Hong Kong and Taiwan for attracting young people. On September 1  2017, the NED-funded Martin Lee and 4 to 5 foreigners (Mark SimonCaucasian journalists and NED-related agents) gathered together at Jimmy's house for conspiracy on Howard Lam Tsz Kin 林子健's fake lynch incident in which he has been proved to be the director and performer of the fake PROC intelligence incident. 


Who is Mark Simon,  Jimmy Lai's Right-Hand Man? 

IRI in Hong Kong

International Republican Institute visit to Hong Kong in 1994

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) serves as a 
conduit for the US Congress to channel US Government funds 
to the NED’s four core grantees to conduct programs around the 
world. Hong Kong has been the target of such funding since 1994. 

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is one of the NED’s 
four core grantees and represents the Republican Party in the NED. 
It is a sister body of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), 
which represents the Democratic Party.

IRI visit to Hong Kong

From 12 – 19 June 1994, the Republican Party sent an IRI team 
of four lawyers, led by Dick Thornburgh to study the prospects 
for the rule of law in Hong Kong in view of the impending 1997 
reversion of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China1 
(Page 342). 
This was known as the Hong Kong Rule of Law Mission. 

According to Dick Thornburgh:

- In 1994, I led a delegation of the IRI, a part of the NED, 
to conduct a study of the rule of law in Hong Kong, the 
guarantees for its legal system in the Joint Declaration, 
and the post-1997 prospects for the rule of law there2 
(Page 15).

- There is great concern in Hong Kong about how the 
Provisional Legislature will carry out the Basic Law's 
Article 23 which requires the Hong Kong legislature to 
pass laws against "subversion against the central people's
 government," theft of state secrets, 
and to prohibit Hong Kong political organisations 
from establishing ties with foreign political organizations2 
(Page 20).

-  The United States simply must stand up for the people 
of Hong Kong. As the strongest and most free nation in the 
world, our leadership is crucial. It is more than a matter of 
national interest, it is a matter of national honor2 (Page 24).

In his autobiography, ‘Where the evidence Leads’, Dick
Thornburgh made the following observations:

- At the time of our visit, much of Hong Kong’s business 
community espoused a pro-PRC, “don’t make waves” attitude. 
Some business leaders believed that self-interest would require 
the PRC to recognize the political aspirations of Hong Kong 
residents in order to maintain the city’s economic vitality1
 (Page 342). 

- The real controversy is not, as would appear on the surface, 
between Governor [Chris] Patten and the British Government 
on the one hand, and the PRC on the other. 
The real controversy is between those residents of Hong Kong 
who are committed to human rights and the rule of law 
and a business community unwilling to press the case 
for these principles for fear of upsetting their present and 
potential economic and financial relationships with the PRC1 
(Page 343).

Key issues identified by Dick Thornburgh.

The following key issues were identified by Dick Thornburgh in this mission:

Article 23

Article 23 of the Basic Law was intended … 
to prohibit Hong Kong political organizations from 
establishing ties with foreign political organizations;
A divided community, not all of whom supported democracy

From the small number of interviews he conducted, 
Dick Thornburgh found Hong Kong was divided in 
opinion as to the future, with a limited number of 
lawyers and a handful of politicians who wanted 
American support to press for democracy and 
a business community which trusted China to 
deliver on its commitments.


It is noteworthy that as early as 1994, Dick Thornburgh identified 
that Article 23 was intended … to prohibit Hong Kong 
political organizations from establishing ties 
with foreign political organisations
This would be of great concern to the NED, 
because they realized this would preclude them from funding 
and conducting programs in Hong Kong, 
which helps explain why they funded the organization 
of the Article 23 protests in 2003.


1Thornburgh . D. Where the Evidence Leads: An Autobiography, 
Dick Thornburgh.
University of Pittsburgh Press, 12 Sep 2003. 

2Dick Thornburgh. 1997. Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Some 
Implications for U.S. Policy, 18 J. Int'l L. 15 (2014). 

Collapse of Soviet Union proved the necessity of 
the Article 23 for Hong Kong, China to prevent Imperialist 
Colour Revolutions and internal regime change that financed 
and supported by US/ UK imperialists. 

Mark Simon is a typical advisor and secretary for Jimmy Lai, the friend of the Neo Liberalism guru Milton Friedman. His father was former CIA agent, and he himself was a former chairman of Republican's Abroad Hong Kong which serving republican policies in Hong Kong. NED funded IRI. His role is not only a contact person among Jimmy Lai, his anti-China agitators so called 'pro-democracy'citizens and US government and republicans. Moreover, his financial role in colour revolution is money laundering for Jimmy. In 2014, nationalist media disclosed their confidential documents and it revealed the financial sources of anti-China agitations. Simon, donations in serving foreign politics and bribing voters for its cause are illegal in US. They do it to other nations. Like Panama invasion and its bribed election in 1989. Imperialists are violating their own domestic laws. 

Dubbed "the backstage man", Simon found himself taking centre stage after two massive leaks of documents and emails between Simon, Lai and other senior executives of the media group were released to the press in recent weeks.
They reveal discussions of Lai's financial support for pan-democrats and the planned Occupy Central pro-democracy protests, and Simon's role in the transfer of money.
Simon, Lai and Next Media did not contest the authenticity of the leaked documents but suspected the information was obtained through computer hacking. On Wednesday, the group formally reported to police that their computer system was targeted by hackers. The case is now under investigation
The donations were not illegal. But some pro-Beijing newspapers suggested the money originated in the United States, citing as evidence Simon's former intelligence job.
The leaked documents also seemed to suggest Simon helped Lai build relations with right-wing US politicians. In one case, Simon helped set up a meeting between former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and a group of pan-democrats during her visit to Hong Kong in 2009.

The amount of money does not include their media and various kinds of social supports.And also you can not ignore your local and domestic traitors who finances the NED-funded groups. Such as 黎智英 Jimmy Lai Chee-ying in Hong Kong and governmental bureaucracy in Japan. 

NED is just a money laundering method which run by US State Department. For China (Hong Kong, Main Land, Taiwan, Macau), NED funded groups are related with CECC (Congressional Executive Commission on China).  CECC is one of main manipulators of US anti-China operations at congress. 

Funding China regions is done by several units, 1) Regional China is Hong Kong, Hong Kong is anti-China centre for US / UK / EU imperialists. NDI funds Hong Kong University's Law Department, such as Tai Benny who is  one of organisers of Umbrella Revolution. 

Regional China (Hong Kong) fund in 2016. 

Advancing Dialogue on Political Reform and Strengthening Legal Advocacy in China and Hong Kong
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)
To assist in efforts to identify new avenues for democracy and political reform in Hong Kong.  The institute will support efforts to focus public discourse on how democratic reforms can have a direct impact on livelihood issues, such as income inequality, pollution, housing, and education. The program will also support continued engagement with lawyers supporting the rule of law in China.
2) China (Hong Kong) fund is divided into two units. Such as SC (Solidarity Center) which funds notorious HKCTU 職工盟 and indirectly 支聯會 HKASPDMC via Cheuk-yan Lee 李卓人

The trade union leader Cheuk-yan Lee 李卓人 is one of major organizers of HK colour revolution. His also a leader of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China 支聯會 which is also funded by NED in this way. The other one is Freedom of Information which manipulating media and so called independent media for colour revolution. 

2016 Mong Kok Terrorism  旺角暴亂  Was Caused By NED-SC-職工盟HKCTU-支聯會HKASPDMC- 工黨- 李卓人 Connection

NED and its SC in Hong Kong backed the 2016 Mong Kok Civil Unrest 旺角暴亂. For example, one of key agitators of this riot was Su Decheng 蘇德成 who used to be a secretary of NED-funded HKCTU. Cheek-yan Lee 李卓人 supported his failed trial until August 25, 2017.  Ex-HKCTU secretary Su Decheng 蘇德成 and chairman of HKCTU Cheek-yan Lee 李卓人's corporation during the trial on the Mong Kok Terrorism 旺角暴亂 proved that the closed tie between them. The entire terrorist act was conspired by NED-funded HKCTU-Cheek-yan Lee connection. Colour revolution is an alternative violent method with the cover of peaceful uprising of the people. It involves actual violence like this. This kind of political student group is like Homeland and Freedom in Chile which guided by 40 first rank officers from state department of USA during anti-Allende colour revolution in 1973. Their aim is to destabilise domestic economy and create chaos among people's lives to lead people's grievance to 
their targeted regime that protecting its country. 



See more about NED-SC-職工盟HKCTU-支聯會HKASPDMC connection (Cheuk-yan Lee 李卓人 is a key person to this imperialist network):

NED funded World Uyghur Congress (WUC)  and 黃台仰 Ray Wong Toi-yeung, Key Player of 2016 Mong Kok Terrorism  旺角暴亂

NED funded World Uyghur Congress (WUC has been proved that it's funded by NED since 2006) and the Uyghur American Association (UAA has been funded since 2002) are anti-China, Separatist movement groups for Western imperialism. Moreover, they have been proved to be part of NOYDA. Behind the 2016 Mong Kok Terrorism, there is a typical colour revolution network. Ray Wong Toi-yeung and NED-funded WUC network is a key to realising the political truth of the entire context. Who is behind the political event? This tight NED network around the criminal fugitive Ray Wong Toi-yeunghas been disposed while his meeting with WUC in Germany. Germany is US imperialist puppet, and its embassy in Hong Kong supports the NED supported oppositions. 別忘記德國駐港領事館(FB常被星島日報,香港電台轉播)也是助產反中亂港勢力的幫兇!德國,英國,美帝,本土民主前線,世界維吾爾代表大會,全美國民主基金會,旺角暴亂,黃台仰都形成反中顏色革命的組織網!逃犯黃台仰與NED資助的世界維吾爾代表大會在德國的會合並非偶然。

NED funded WUC and Ray Wong Toi-Yeung in Germany 

黃台仰Facebook最後一次更新於11月12日,分享本民前對《國歌法》的評論,及後下落未明。近日網傳相片,顯示他與同樣正被香港法院通緝的本民前核心成員李東昇,於今年10月3日在德國慕尼黑,與世界維吾爾代表大會秘書長多里坤‧艾沙及世維會副主席Umit Hamit等人會面。資料顯示,黃台仰與李東昇最後一次公開露面,則為今年9月到倫敦出席佔領行動三周年紀念活動。
Source:The NEWs
1. This NED-WUC-WAA-Germany-Ray Wong Toi-yeung Network proves that  

本土民主前線 Hong Kong Indigenous is part of NED network

2. 2016 Mong Kok Civil Unrest was organised by NED network. Ray Wong Toi-yeung is the key player. At least  NED has tight connection with the 2016 Mong Kok Civil Unrest organisers. 

This colour revolution network is typical example of separatist network which funded by NED and other Western imperialists. True leftists or true nationalists can support them? Definitely not! 

NED Student Group HKFS and NED Worker Group HKCTU Connection  


在港,民主示威,維權示威,工人運動以及學運是被利用而成為顏色革命的運動形式了。如此嚴重毀損了土生土長,從資本主義的弊端必然衍生的真正的工人階級運動!職工盟確實與學聯有密切關係。你看職工盟的幹部Leo Tang不僅是職工盟HKCTU幹部,也是學聯的幹部。顏色革命的行動網是周密地貫穿工人組織與學生組織!


的確,在末代萬古罪人彭定康 ( Imperialist, Colonialist, Chris Patten) 扶植了上述政治工具的土壤。在六年間(1989-1994),破壞中大港大兩大菁英制,改採多增五間大學的措施是不能天真地歸咎於全球化現象。如今,學生會,學聯,職工盟之間的幹部流動的組織網絡證實了帝國主義顏色革命的戰略。為此鋪路的是彭定康的大學政策。非正式組織,非政府組織會演變成政黨,並組成陣線。不能夠固定地看待這些社團,非政府組織。也不能忽視,獨立媒體,獨立工會,黨營企業,政治化的私營企業(如實政圓桌般),外國政府機構,領事館等等反中亂港基地的各種組織形式。

You see NED funded worker group HKCTU's key member is NDI-funded HKFS member. Hong Kong NED funded worker group and NED's student movement group have tight connection. Leon Tang is the example. There is a cross-organizational line between HKCTU and HKFS. The former recruits student activist from HKFS. Students' Union in each university has a link with HKFS, and then having a connection with HKCTU's worker movement. Anti-China worker movement links anti-China student movements in Hong Kong.  

Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia Regional NED Agent  Jolovan Wham Persecuted by Singapore Police in 2017! 

Patriots Grab their Colour Revolution Network below: 
US State Department- NED - SC (Solidarity Center) - HKCTU 職工盟 and indirectly 支聯會 HKASPDMC - Cheuk-yan Lee 李卓人 - 香港眾志 Hong Kong Demosisto - Joshua Wong 黃之鋒- Jolovan Wham- The Speakers's Corner (its for Malaysian General Election 2013) - Singapore Subway Workers' Political Group 無聲抗議- SMRT Bus Driver Protest in Nov. 2012

Imperialist colour revolutionary (aka Exporter of 'Neo-Liberalism') in Singapore is Jolovan Wham. 

He is one of NED agents who is active in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore since 2012. Exposing his tight corroboration with NED networks is essential for true democracy of targeted countries in Asia. You can also count attendees of these political operations which organised by NED agents as one of them. Then, you can clearly know that which political organisations belonging to NED's political benefits, who is under control of foreign political schemes. As Mr.Putin said orderly news can provide essential knowledge on what is going on in the present political situations globally. Hong Kong has to ban foreign NPOs' political operations in Hong Kong. On the contrary to imperialist countries, These targeted regions' authorities are too kind to these neoliberal agents who are serve in true demon in the 
contemporary political sphere. See their sentences are too light! It does not only prove that their fear of punishments from the imperialists, but also it prove that their targeted regions are more democratic than them. 

1. Organising The Speakers' Corner in Singapore illegally to Affect Malaysian General Election in 2013. 

21 Malaysians arrested at protest

Straits Times
12 May 2013
Amelia Tan
Rare police action comes after earlier warnings that such gatherings are illegal
Twenty-one Malaysians were arrested yesterday for staging a protest at the Merlion Park against the outcome of last Sunday's Malaysian general election.
The rare police action followed earlier warnings that such gatherings are illegal, and after nine Malaysians were warned for participating in a similar protest last Wednesday.
In a statement last night, the police said that "while foreigners are allowed to work or live here, they have to abide by our laws".
"They should not import their domestic issues from their countries into Singapore and conduct activities which can disturb public order, as there can be groups with opposing views. Those who break the law will be seriously dealt with."
The group gathered at around 4.50pm yesterday. The Sunday Times understands they were mostly young people, many dressed in black, the protest colour of Malaysia's opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition.
Before the arrests, some of those in the group posed for pictures with the Merlion as the backdrop.
Last week, the police warned nine Malaysians for "actively participating" in an illegal gathering at Merlion Park on Wednesday, when about 100 people went to protest against the Malaysian election results.
Last Friday, the police said the work and visit passes of the nine were being reviewed by the authorities, and their employers would be informed.
A second protest had been planned for yesterday, but its organiser cancelled it after being advised to do so by the police.
Separately, the police also reminded migrant worker rights activist Jolovan Wham of his responsibilities as organiser of a Speakers' Corner demonstration today, also related to the Malaysian general election.
He has been told to take appropriate measures to ensure that the event complies with Singapore laws.
The police said they were informed that Mr Wham had posted on Facebook that he was organising the demonstration to show solidarity with Malaysians calling for fair elections and that "he had invited foreigners to observe the event".
"The Speakers' Corner is a designated site for Singaporeans to freely speak on issues as long as they do not touch on matters which relate to religion or may cause feelings of enmity, hatred, ill-will or hostility between different racial or religious groups in Singapore. Only Singaporeans and permanent residents of Singapore are allowed to participate in demonstrations held at the Speakers' Corner," the police spokesman said.
Mr Wham was reminded that he will need a police permit if foreigners are going to participate in the demonstration he is holding today.
He could not be reached for comment last night.

2. Organising SMRT Bus Driver Protest in Hong Kong with SC-HKCTU-Cheuk-yan Lee 李卓人 in 2012. 

The ongoing tension in Hong Kong between pro-democracy group and HKSAR government over the future administration of Hong Kong is partly sustained by Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Union(HKCTU), an independent union movement in Hong Kong.
Singaporeans are not aware that the Secretary-General of HKCTU, Mr Lee Cheuk-Yan, once led a protest in Singapore Consulate in Hong Kong in December 2012. That protest demanded Singapore government for the immediate release of the SMRT bus drivers who were involved in the strike in November 2012.
Lee is now being accused of being funded by International Labor Solidarity, an organization under National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It is open knowledge that NED receives its funding from U.S Department of State.
Jolovan Wham managed to instigate Panasonic factory workers to gather for a sit-in protest outside Ministry of Manpower in 2012, and he was actively involved in “fighting” for the rights of SMRT bus drivers who were involved in the illegal protest.
Why is Lee, a Hong Konger and a politician interested in SMRT bus strikes?
What is the connection between Wham and Lee and SDP and the State Department of United States?

3. Organising illegally Dec. 2016 'Popular Resistance and Social Movement forum', Jun. 2017 Subway Workers' group Gathering and July 2017 Changi Prison Protest. Joshua Wong illegally engaged the political event which hosted by his Singapore corroborator Jolovan without legal authorisation from the Singapore police. 

【本報訊】香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒去年十一月獲邀透過通訊應用軟件Skype遙距參加新加坡一個論壇,據報論壇負責人、新加坡社運人士Jolovan Wham遭起訴,指他於去年及今年多次在未獲警方許可下組織公眾集會,涉嫌違反當地公安條例。新加坡傳媒報道,Jolovan Wham獲准以八千新加坡元保釋,案件預審會議將於下月十三日進行。

新加坡警方日前檢控現年三十七歲男子Jolovan Wham,多次未獲警方許可組織公眾集會,涉嫌違反公安條例,共涉及七項控罪,包括去年十一月二十六日舉行一場有關公民抗命及社會運動的論壇,邀請黃之鋒透過Skype遙距演講;除此以外,Jolovan Wham被指於今年六月在當地地鐵組織「無聲抗議」,以及於今年七月在樟宜監獄外組織並且參與非法公眾集會。


Jolovan Wham於去年十二月曾於社交網站透露,自己被新加坡警方帶返警署問話,並引述警方指黃之鋒是「外國人」,即使只是透過Skype參與公眾論壇,主辦單位亦需先獲得工作許可及警方許可。


Macau's pro-NED politician Sulu Sou 蘇嘉豪 and its Associação de Novo Macau 新澳門學社 has close tie and the same mission in Macau politics. In Dec. 7, 2017, his position at parliament was stopped due to his illegal engagement in illegal political gathering in front of House of Chief Executive of Macau Special Administrative Region. 

This incident is similar to Jolovan Wham's illegal engagement in Singapore. The advisor is the same. And they belong to the same political forces that called NED. And they showed the close relationships with each other. NOYDA is NED, NED is US State Department. 

There is a political network Sulu Sou-Associação de Novo Macau-NOYDA-Jolovan Wham-NED. Taiwan and its Taiwan University Politics Department are in serve of educating this kind of political puppets like Sulu Sou and Sunflower movement leaders that under control of US state department for its imperialist benefits. 





China (Hong Kong) fund in 2016. 

Expanding Worker Rights and Democracy
Solidarity Center (SC)
To advance worker rights and democracy and strengthen the development of civil society. The center will support partners to strengthen democratic trade union efforts, including organizing, collective bargaining and advocacy skills. Project activities will raise public awareness and promote community participation on worker rights issues.
Supporting Free Expression in Hong Kong
Freedom of Information
To strengthen a community of writers and journalists committed to defending free expression. The grantee will work with local writers and journalists to advocate for free expression in Hong Kong through solidarity building and public events calling attention to diminishing freedom of information.

Open society Foundation: One of Origins of Anti-China Colour Revolution  


Putin testimony: Soros is one of colour revolution conspirators! 

Besides NED-NDI, George Soros Office is also located in Hong Kong. George Soros's Open Society engaged many colour revolutions and destabilization for overthrowing national regimes. It aims at Neo Liberalisation of targeted countries and regions. Victims were Soviet Union on agricultural destruction by infiltrated Soviet officers, Afghanistan Socialist Regime that doomed in Afghanistan War, overthrowing of El Salvador leftist regime in 1982, colour revolution of Poland in 1989 which also funded by NED's Freedom House. Support of The Dalai Lama on Tibet disturbances in China etc. Open Society's engagement on Neo-Liberalisation of targeted countries is not a conspiracy theory but it is true. Open Society is one of CIA functions on the scheme, and it cooperate with other colour revolutionaryimperialist organisations. Thus,you can not just see one group's engagement in one political issue in China. 

Soros funded Umbrella Revolution and Hong Kong government to prevent the article 23 of the Basic law in Hong Kong. 


[不重推基本法23條立法 官商議員勾結外國勢力]
索羅斯基金管理有限公司"SFM HK Management Ltd"早已進駐"IFC 2期" ! 從2014年佔中期間早已經大手狙擊沽空股票 , 更與香港政府高官及立法㑹犯民異猿有金錢交往 ! 而某幾位被委任的政府司局長官員及"立法會大議員" , 早已勾結外國勢力 , 據聞在佔中期間更因此而獲利豐厚 ; 而且 , 在金融市場投資獲利亦無需向有關政府部門及立法會申報投資利益 !
司局署長高官及"立法會大議員"這種合法的"金融投資方法"獲得豐厚金錢利益 , 廉政公署介入亦極難調查檢控 !
帖文 : 中國心志願軍 2017-06-09 02:39

Comment: Soros is one of financial sources of anti-China colour revolution, and its destabilization of the society and its market is also resource of investment profits for Soros. He actually manipulated the Hong Kong stock market during the destabilization of anti-China colour revolution, Umbrella Movement in 2014. Soros opposes implementation of the article 23 of the BASIC LAW and successfully corrupted the HK government to do not try reintroducing the article. 


"For China, the crisis is something affecting them from the outside," 
-Soros, 79, said to Bloomberg in July.

Soros's Hong Kong office is located in Hong Kong island, and it called 

SFM HK Management Limited 索羅斯基金管理(香港)有限公司

Founded in HK: August 4, 2011. 
HK Corporate Registration Number: 1655640 
HK Status: Present 




Note: If the inserted video has some technical error to view, please visit the video page. 

Imperialist Funding Network and Information Network 

Note: I have to add USAID and UNDP to the chart as stealth imperialist organisations.  藝術文化,學術活動,交換學生,留學援助計畫等等也都是滲透工作的環節和形式! 

For instance, Asia Society (Admiralty, Hong Kong) is the Rockefeller Foundation to infiltrate and penetrate local artists and academicians via art-cultural events.  Besides these imperialist organisations, local oppositional organisations which apply for imperialist funds also should be considered as internal threats. Not all threats are from outside. Colour revolution is internal operation,  and its factor is internal one. 

Comment: CSIS is famous for Japan handlers who are neoliberalism and neoconservatism. CSIS searched and deeply analyzed Soviet NGOs (more than 30,000 of West-Supported anti-Communist NGOs after 1987) by one of them on the Volume XII, Number 5 Significant Issues Series, ''After Perestroika: Democracy in the Soviet Union''. They tend to research and summaries targeted countries opposition groups in details. In 2015, they also did that in the exactly the same way in Japan. SEALDs was positively reviewed by this big supporter of Abe-regime while SEALDs was supposed to be antagonist role to Abe-regime. 

US-Japan Relations:
Official Cooperation, Domestic Challenges

Sheila Smith, Council on Foreign Relations Charles McClean, University of California, San Diego

Outside on the streets of Nagatacho, thousands of Japanese citizens gathered to demonstrate their opposition to “Abe’s war bills,” echoing the sentiment that these new laws violated Article 9 of the Japanese constitution, the no-war clause. New and younger demonstrators, largely mobilized under the banner of SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy), registered an awakening of political consciousness not seen since the 1970s in Japan. Public figures, including scholars, artists, and actors, also joined in the criticism of the new laws as a threat to Japanese democracy. Although this activism has receded since the security legislation passed, the social movement seems to have taken on a life of its own as more and more younger Japanese continue to seek participation in SEALDs-sponsored – or inspired – gatherings in Tokyo and other cities across Japan. 

Thus, that Manila conference 2016 was part of the NED strategy.  In this international context, you can correctly understand the political phenomenon in your country or region holistically. Protect your true democratic social movement and nation from the infill traitors who manipulated by imperialists via multi-level structure. This is exactly the true enemy called, 'stealth imperialism' that under-oppressed people of the world have fought for decades since World War 2. Cold War has still been continuing even after 1991. 

Be Vigilant on Possible Danger in Peace Time 
Lessons of Collapse of Soviet Union 1991

居安思危:蘇共亡黨的歷史教訓     (11.7. 1917-12.25. 1991) 



The major mistake of Soviet Union on socialist construction was that the Stalinist bureaucracy insisted the dictatorship of their own materials interests, and they did not even develop workers' self management system based on public ownership and planned economy. Workers' self management is essential base of socialist democracy which means socialist multi-party system that based on common interests of socialist construction of its society. This is what they did not even try to fulfill between 1917-2017. 1991 was marked as failure of Stalinist Bureaucracy. Regime Change promoted by US/UK was just one of external factors of its collapse. 

The Possible Danger is Regime Change, Imperialist Infiltration and Colour Revolution in peace time. 

Soviet Union collapsed due to colour revolution organized by US. Our lesson is below:

1) Effectively regulate NGOs, especially foreign related political NGOs who stands for imperialist causes under the name of 'Democratisation', 'Human Rights Protection' etc.. however, privatized commercial corporation is also a hidden form of political party on colour revolution. Like Taiwanese political parties have their privatized 'party-run-companies' in China to conduct political disturbances. 

Hong Kong is the centre of anti-China NGOs and their paradise. In Soviet Union, they took form of social clubs, then gradually developed into economic-political parties to form of popular front for colour revolution. HK follows this mess. However, Stalinist bureaucracy is fatal to prevent colour revolutions. Stalinist bureaucracy can not get popular support. Soviet Union was threatened by thirty thousands of unregulated NGOs that are manipulated by anti-communists, imperialists and capitalists in 1987. 

Anti-Soviet international organisations are pretty famous. Such as Amnesty International. They also support anti-China movements, NED-funded NOYDA and its Occupy Central. NOYDA Facebook page shared the article of Amnesty International.  See the link below: 


Benedict Rogers被拒入境是正確!促使政府釋放所謂政治犯是種和平演變手段!香港並無政治犯!


民主黨人士不斷濫用議員特權拜訪和鼓勵雙學三子,舊殖民統治特權階級的象徵彭定康也直接聲援了監獄中的雙學三子,甚至此次英國保守黨副主席羅哲思(Benedict Rogers)也原本打算促使港府釋放雙學三子,為此特定計畫拜訪雙學三子。


庇護英國保守黨副主席羅哲思的組織是顏色革命組織之一的Human Rights Watch! 甚至,英國保守黨副主席羅哲思本身自己曝光了陰謀!就是他意在香港建立抗議港府以及攪局的非政府組織!非政府組織是潛政黨組織!它最後可以成為政黨!滲透當地的典型形式!

HK should learn Cambodian Government: NDI-US State Department- Multi-National Business Society-Open Society Network Expelled by Cambodian Government  

NDI is a US government and US-European corporate-funded organization chaired by representatives from America’s business and political community.  It is not only funded by US State Department (NED). 

Cambodian government did a great job to expel the NDI in the country. NDI in HK is also no registration and tends to do tax evasion on its operations. First of all, requiring foreign and domestic NGOs to strictly register and report taxation. Then, ordering US-funded organisations to halt its political operations and expelling its foreign staffs which closely work with opposition parties. It is adequate that foreign political interference to domestic politics is illegal, thus Cambodian government correctly and rationally took the right to expel the imperialists. Why HK government can not to do this way? NDI is not only funded by US state department, but also it's funded by out side business society and Open Society (Soros) like below: 

What NDI Really is and What it Really Does 

Directors with particularly prominent conflicts of interests include:

Madeleine Albright: Albright Stonebridge Group and Albright Capital Management LLC
Harriet Babbitt: Council on Foreign Relations
Robert Liberatore: former senior vice president of DaimlerChrysler, an NDI financial sponsor
Bernard Aronson: former Goldman Sachs adviser
Howard Berman: senior advisor at Covington & Burling
NDI director Thomas Daschle, for example, actually has foreign political parties as paying clients through is “Daschle Group,” including VMRO DPMNE based in Macedonia as revealed by The Hill. NDI is likewise active in Macedonia, providing support directly to VMRO DPMNE, even co-hosting events in the country according to NDI’s own social media account on Facebook.
In Southeast Asia, Freedom House, yet another subsidiary of NED, would provide extensive aid to opposition groups in Thailand led by ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, with Freedom House director Kenneth Adelman (PDF) concurrently providing paid-for lobbying services to Thaksin Shinawatra himself.
It appears that such conflicts of interests are not the exception, but the rule indicating that NED and its subsidiaries including NDI pursue the collective corporate and financial interests of their boards of directors merely behind the guise of “strengthening democratic institutions.”
An examination of NDI’s corporate sponsors casts further doubts upon its alleged mission statement. Its financial sponsors, according to NDI’s 2005 annual report (PDF), include:
  • British Petroleum
  • Bell South Corporation
  • Chevron
  • Citigroup
  • Coca Cola
  • DaimlerChrysler Corporation
  • Eli Lilly & Company
  • Exxon Mobil
  • Honeywell
  • Microsoft
  • Time Warner
Donors also include convicted financial criminal George Soros’ Open Society Foundation as well as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) of which NDI is a subsidiary of, as well as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US State Department itself.
Corporations like BP, Chevron, Citigroup, Coca Cola, Exxon, defence contractor Honeywell and IT giant Microsoft are not interested in promoting democracy. They are using democracy promotion as a means behind which to create conditions more conducive to expanding markets and increasing profits. This includes undermining governments impeding foreign corporate control of national resources and markets, or entirely removing and replacing governments with more obedient client regimes.
The contemporary history of American foreign wars and its practice of “regime change” and “nation building” provides self-evident confirmation of the motives and means used to expand US hegemony and clearly illustrates where organisations like NDI fit into the process.
In Cambodia’s case, a much larger, overarching agenda is in play than merely national resources and markets. US activities in Cambodia to coerce or replace the current government in Phnom Penh is done specifically to encircle and contain China through a united front of client states assembled by the United States across Southeast Asia.
Cambodia, along with the rest of Southeast Asia, has begun strengthening ties with Beijing economically, politically and militarily. Large infrastructure programmes, weapon acquisitions, joint-training exercises and trade deals are all on the table between Beijing and Phnom Penh.
The US, conversely, has provided few incentives beyond its failed Trans-Pacific Partnership scheme and coercion through networks like NDI and the myriad media and political proxies they fund and operate in Cambodia.
With NDI shuttered, its foreign staff expelled and the organisations and publications it was funding facing similar closures and evictions, it appears what little the US had on the table has been swept away. Cambodia’s particularly bold move may be replicated across Southeast Asia where similar US networks are maintained to manipulate and coerce the political processes of sovereign states.

Comment: Coca Cola supported Tien An Men Colour Revolution of 1989. There were bunch of cokes served for the local agent students in Tien An Men square in 1989 in China. 

Comparison between Imperialist 'Promoting Democracy' and True Democracy of People 

True Democracy is self-management and self determination by the working class/people in its true values. Self-determination and self-management are impossible when outsiders, foreign business interests attempting to influence the political economic process of other nations via US or UK imperialist local agents. Exporting or Promoting Democracy from abroad is contradiction. Moreover,  so called 'Democracy' will be turned out to be 'Neo-Liberalism' at the end of its political and economical disturbances. HK should learn what Russia, Cambodia and Mainland China did on foreign disturbances on its domestic politics. Only traitors to its motherland listen to imperialists. 

2) Disclosing facts of covert operations, domestic traitors and conspiracies. 

Hong Kong's only hope is that there is some Pro-China media which engaging anti-imperialism. 

3) Censor and monitor media, especially anti-government media, independent media, and major imperialist media like CNN, BCC, AFP, Voice of America, Freenet (set up by USAID and UNDP during Tulip Revolution) and so force.  For Cambodia, the imperialist media are US-funded Cambodia Daily News Paper, Radio Free Asia and Voice of America. Yahoo is also part of it. Yahoo financed Harry Wo who is a famous anti-China, 'pro-human rights' role to demonise Chinese authority for the sake of imperialist colour revolution. Yahoo actually donated US$170,000,000 to Harry Wo for the 'pro-human rights' operations in China in 2007. See the New York Times news below:

Foreign government such as UK publishes 'Six-Months Report on Hong Kong' in every half year. This kind of reviewing by foreign government is also political pressure to disturb HK government. It is clear that Joint Declaration was seemed to be legally effective by UK. And what they want to keep is One-country, Two Systems (Maintaining UK's colonial prestigious status in HK for fifty years). So called 'political reform' is required in the report. It is a typical example of interrupting foreign country's domestic affairs. The report and their past colonialist profile are not even eligible to state in that way. UK's colonial legacy and its privileged status are violation of human rights of HK natives. 

Anti-Colonialism is democracy! However, anti-China agitators are Pro-Colonialism!  Their 'democracy' is problematic. They request UK government to write their encounters in HK politics in  'Six-Months Report on Hong Kong' to pressure HK government. It proves the function of the report and connection of pro-imperialist agitators. 

Hong Kong's media such as RTHK is citing Voice of America's anti-China news frequently. All of them mentioned above freely act in HK. CECC's annual report on Hong Kong politics is the same function. 

Imperialist Media in Hong Kong that Support NOYDA, NED Colour Revolution Network   

1. Sounth China Morning Post 

2. HKFP (Hong Kong Free Press) 
3. RTHK 香港電台
4.Channel News Asia 
5.Apple Daily News 頻果日報
6.Next Digital Ltd. 壹傳媒

NOYDA's web site publicly shows us which media are contributors of NED colour revolutions in Asia. They do not only support Hong Kong-located NED agitators and its political organisations, but also it reports news for imperialists' benefits and its operations in Asia. Hong Kong government has to close RTHK or purge its infiltrators who cites news of Voice of America for anti-China operations. 

4) Stick to the benefits of the working class. There is no abstract human values like imperialist teaches. In class society, there is the class struggle.

Hong Kong also does not care about working class. It is highly neoliberal society. 

5) Preventing pro-independent movements within nation. Imperialist exploits the opportunity to destabilize your country. Separatism is called by so called 'national democratic movement.' Violence on minority ethnics is doomed to death. 

Hong Kong has been suffering from pro-HK independence movement. Separatism is in active. 

6) Don't accept IMF and its shock doctrine for their economic funding. Funding is to destroy your people's government. The critical and typical mistake done by Soviet was 1975 August Helsinki Final Act Agreement between US and Soviet. Since then, US imperialist NGOs and colour revolution agitators are able to freely act in Soviet. The empire exploited the 'human rights' article to pressure and threaten Soviet systematically, and they set up monitoring groups in Soviet. 

Hong Kong also has this kind of international agreement with Western countries that called One Country, Two Systems. 

7) Not only workers, media, but students and universities are also targeted for infiltration. For example, student exchange program is for brainwashing targeted countries' upper class students. 

Hong Kong's colour revolution was conducted by student agitators such as anti-China student centre  HKU. And Umbrella Movement costed more than 40 billion HKD for one month. 

The end of Soviet Union was the typical example of result of colour revolution. The union did not ideologically and naturally fail, there were too many covert operations to destroy the economy and politics. Anti-communists and imperialists corroborated in collapse of Soviet Union. Although it is reactionary to want to go back to the era, it is still meaningful to think twice about the failure for future construction of true democratic society which governed by working class. Chinese scholars did the great job to analise the causes of the collapse of Soviet Union. The analyzing work is major contribution to the cause of socialism in post-Deng Xiao-ping era.

Religions, student movements, worker movements, human rights movements and separatist movements are fully used in anti-China operations. 




See the series of 8 videos on the lessons of Collapse of Soviet Union:https://www.bilibili.com/video/av7884218/

Colour Revolution's economical damages to HK: http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20141001/00176_017.html


分析レポート(Analyzing Report):

 日本のSEALDs、 未来のための公共、ReDEMOSは、全米民主主義基金NEDの人工芝運動である。基本的に対米従属国の占めるアジアでのこれら組織群は、民主、自由、人権保護を看板にする反中及び反共運動組織である点は特色であるが、特例は日本のSEALDsのケースであり、日本では反中ではなく反体制派全体の内からの統制という他国とは別の側面が主要目的である点に留意する必要がある。




日本の反対派は、市民連合及びSEALDs, ReDEMOS, 未来のための公共が、反動的な日本共産党による露骨な売り込みを軸として、ネオリベ及び社民混合の民進党を主として推している共通点をいつまで黙認するのかよくよく連敗から学び取るべきである。これは、異なる思想路線の問題ではなく、敵の側であるスパイとの共闘は、水と油の問題、糞と味噌の問題である。この二つの分離は必要な批判主張である。批判しつつ戦う以外にない。民進党候補を中心として反安倍闘争を利用してきた民進党の支持組織市民連合、公安のお友達である反原発連、リンチ及び乗っ取り集団のしばき隊の類と真の反対派の分離、ネオリベと社民の民進党内での分離などは分化工作に乗ることでなく、必要不可欠な戦略的差別化である。これが、2016年までの教訓である。

ちなみに、市民連合及びSEALDs, ReDEMOS, 未来のための公共は、非政府組織である。そして、これらはいつでも政党へ変化しうる。日本の反対派を統制誘導するための米帝の傀儡である。日本には、このままでは本物の反対派がなくなる日が来る。対米隷属二大政党制は、真の反対勢力を少数派どころか、無名化、無力化することが基礎的条件になる。彼らは、この土壌を形成している。





















































Analyzing Report:  

Japan’s SEALDs which now called ReDEMOS, Public 4 Future is a NED-funded Fake Grass Roots Movement. However, its function especially differs from others due to the Japanese specific political situation that there is mostly manipulated political establishment by US. They just only needs fully control of dissidents via infiltrators, such as SEALDs.  NED is an organization that funded and guided by State Department to disturb and manipulate targeted countries or regions by organising and funding mainly NGOs to conduct its mass operations(so called projects). NED functions as a kind of subsidiary of CIA. Japan's NED is JICA. And Japanese dissidents should realise that 'Shiminrengou', 'SEALDs=ReDEMOS=Public 4 Future' are supporting Minshinto while they are backed and marketed by JCP. JCP is not functioning as a 'leftist.' It is just a role of 'leftist' that do not even govern Japan. And their goal is neoliberalism. 

Also see the continuous of SEALDs, Public 4 Future URL:http://public4future.official.jp


事実関係:いわゆるこのオトポール Otpor!に象徴される、アジア金融危機の黒幕ソロスSoros財団とNEDによるカラー革命全般、民主化として喧伝されているアラブの春、台湾ひまわり運動、香港傘革命、ベトナム/フィリピンのベトタン、VOICE 、チベットのSFT反中運動などが、全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)に、資金援助されその人工芝運動と現地の政権転覆を目指して不安定化を図り実施してきたことは大方周知の事実である。

Facts: As a matter of fact, Color Revolution, Arab Spring, Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Vietnam and Philippine Anti-China Movement VOICE, SFT (Students for a Free Tibet) are funded by NED

2016年4月上旬(4月7日、8日)から中旬にフィリピンのマニラで全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)が支援する東アジアのこれらの人工芝運動の代表達が初めて集い、活動報告を行い、未来の国際的な合作とネットワーク化に合意した。

NED funded fake grass roots group leaders gathered together in Manila in Philippine in April 2016. At the first conference, they did not only reporting their activities for each other, then they also reached an agreement to establish international network for their future complexed international operations.  That network calledNOYDA. However, Japanese media are not reported, and Manila News did not mention that name in April 2016. 

評価:全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)の支援するこれらの人工芝運動団体の組織と迎合、協調する組織も、彼らと合作する個人、組織も全体として全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)の勢力を自覚無自覚に関わりなく構成する。

Calculation: In general, all units, groups and organizations that follow them, connect with them, cooperate with them are part of NED groups and its schemes. 

この会合の表向きの主催者団体は、ベトナムに拠点を持ち、全米民主主義基金NEDNational Endowment for Democracy)にファンドされて反政府、反中活動を行っているVOICEというNGOである。しかも、VOICEは同じく全米民主主義基金NEDにファンドされて反政府テロに従事しているViettanと関連した組織である。それは、しかもフィリピンに支部を持っており、フィリピンの反中でもお馴染みである。TPPを推進しているのもベトタンである。ネオリベが本質。

On the surface, the organizer of the Manila Gathering was NED-funded NGO, VOICE. It is basically a Vietnamese political organization for anti-government and anti-China movement, but it also has a branch in Philippine. Furthermore, VOICE is seemed to be a branch of the anti-government terrorist group Viettan that also funded by NED. 


Viettan is known as Vietnamese notorious anti-China Movement in both Vietnam and Philippine in 2014, also it is a well established anti-gorvernment terrorist group that funded by US and located all over the world.   

Easy References:

3) http://www.news24.jp/articles/2014/05/17/10251302.html 


Students for a Free Tibet(SFT)

マニラ会合の参加者Tenzin Tselhaの団体の一つであるStudents for a Free Tibet(SFT)は、1994年にニューヨークで設立され、NEDにファンドされた反中民間組織である。

The notorious NED -funded-Anti China Group in Tibet, SFT and its member Tenzin Tselha also attended the Manila Gathering. SFT was founded in 1994 in NewYork, and it's funded by NED. 

 URL: http://www.ned.org/region/asia/china-tibet-2014/

One of the attendees, Feifan Lin from Sunflower Movement mentioned his attendance during the meeting via his Facebook post. 

林飛帆:前兩天,和曾柏瑜一起去菲律賓馬尼拉參加兩天的會議,與香港學聯前前秘書長周永康、前秘書長羅冠聰、日本反安保法運動組織SEALDs的奧田愛基、Chiharu Takano、來自印度達蘭薩拉的自由圖博學聯Tenzin Tselha,還有來自菲律賓、韓國及東(南)亞等其他多個國家的青年行動者碰面、交流。由於許多國家目前為止都還在威權政黨或軍政府控制,也有持續搜捕政治犯的問題,不方便公開他們的組織和姓名。

Other NED funded Tibet organizations include the Students for a Free Tibet (SFT) referred to earlier. The SFT was founded in 1994 in New York City “as a project of US Tibet Committee and the NED-financed International Campaign for Tibet (ICT). The SFT is most known for unfurling a 450 foot banner atop the Great Wall in China; calling for a free Tibet.” (F. William Engdahl, Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with China, Global Research, April 2008).

Note: Both Tibet NGOs above are funded by NED. 

NOYDA's NED-funded member groups also including Tibet and Taiwan pro-independent, anti-ChinaNGOs and their internal networks below: 

DHARAMSHALA: The Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan, a coalition of various human rights NGOs based in Taiwan, held its first press conference at Lhakpa Tsering hall today to announce its collaboration with the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile through institution of All Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet in the Taiwan Parliament and various startup projects with Tibetan settlement offices in India.
Human Rights Network for Tibet and Taiwan (HRNTT) is a coalition comprising Taiwan-based NGOs with diverse human rights concerns. Its members include Tibetan and Taiwanese social activists, college professors, writers, students and legislators, who have been a long-time supporters of the Tibetan cause. A total of 11 members were present at the press conference, including two legislators: Tshiong-tso Lim, Legislator and founding leader of New Power Party and Kolas Yotaka, Legislator of Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan.

NOYDA's major role is located in Hong Kong. And it was established its networks in 2016 but it does not actively disclose the Japanese members since disclosure of its scheme in 2016. However the Japanese members actually signed for NOYDA in October 2016. The leader's recent incidents and activities are below:

Comment:You see Human Rights Watch (US NGO) located in Japan held the NED network conference in Kyoto,  Japan in May, 2017. In Japan, JICA and Human Rights Watch function as NED. 

In NED chairman Garshman claimed NED supports HUMAN RIGHTS in China. HUMAN RIGHTS are funded by NED. 
In his testimony of March 13,1997, before the House Sub-committee on International Operations and Human Rights, Mr. Gershman said:
"There has been a doubling of resources spent in Asia (primarily China, Burma and Cambodia) and a tripling of resources for the Middle East. There were also dramatic increases in Central Asia and the former Yugoslavia…

While the discretionary programs and those of our affiliated labour institute support the activities of various pro-democracy networks, among them Human Rights in China, the China Strategic Institute, the Laogai Research Foundation, and the Hong Kong based activities of labour activist Han Dongfang, IRI and CIPE have targeted opportunities created by the official reform policy in the areas of local elections and economic modernization. 

Additional grants support the democracy movements in Hong Kong and Tibet and, through the International Forum, we have highlighted the role of Taiwan as an Asian model of successful democratisation."

NED Manila Conference 2016

記事(News Article): 



The first conference of young political groups in which they discussed about Asian democracy and situations of democratization was held in the capital city Manila for three days. 



Representatives from countries like Japan, Philippine and more than ten countries or regions attended the meeting. Then, they agreed unanimously that they will cooperate and establish network for development of Asian democracy. 


Japanese representatives were Aki Okuda(23) and Chiharu Takano(22) whose organization, SEALDs known for anti-national security law and Demonstration at the front of Parliament(Diet).


Taiwanese representatives were two student leaders of Sunflower movement that occupied their parliament for disagreeing with forcible decision on Service Trade Agreement between China and Taiwan.  


Hong Kong representatives were two ex-chiefs of secretary of Umbrella Revolution that occupied Central Hong Kong for pursuing democracy and fair election. And others were from Philippine, Vietnam and Myanmar. Besides these, there were some democratic activists who could not disclose their attendance for safe consideration under their domestic situations. 


During the conference, they mentioned the present situation and future of their own countries or regions, and they agreed exchanging information of each other and co-operations by learning each advantages. 


The first conference was held in Philippine due to the NGO, VOICE which operates between Philippine and Vietnam. And they plan organizing annual conference and publishing joint statement. 


After the meeting, Mr.Okuda and Ms.Takano told Manila News that other representatives applauded their speaking choir in rap music style and pop cultured demonstration as ‘innovative’. 


Moreover, they said that they were astonished when others said: Japan is progressively the most democratic country in Asia. 


Mr.Okuda commented that the situations of every countries are different, and their aimed form of democracy differs from each other. However, he also said: Don’t forget that we can achive that goal as long as we keep fighting. He stated they will keep observing the practice of the national security law. 

(冨田すみれ子)Sumireko Tomita reported. 


The reporter of the article was Sumireko Tomita who has a close relationship with SEALDs.



And more serious matter is that the truth of the Manila Shinbun
Manilla Shinbun is a member of The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad. Then, The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad belongs to JICA (a.k.a. Japanese International Cooperation Agency). JICA has been in cooperation with NED for long years. See the Symposium that they held with each other.Their aim is so called Democratization. Ofcourse, it means in its true meaning that it is political destabilization of targeted countries or regions. 


JICAは、ミャンマー選挙への工作に従事するにおいて、JICA米国代表Keiichiro NakazawaがUSAID, NEDとの協議も2012年6月20日に行ったり(いわゆる現地の民主化に関する中澤レポート参照)、国際シンポジウム「開発途上国における民主的機構への支援・強化のために」 を2000年12月6日、7日にJICA 主催、外務省後援、全米民主主義財団(National Endowment for Democracy:NED)協賛のもとに国際協力総合研修所にて開催した。同地のサフラン革命(Saffron Revolution)もカラー革命であり、NED支援化にあるアウンサンスーチーも米帝の傀儡である。ミャンマー軍政は、ミャンマーをこのようなネオリベ浸透から護衛する非常手段である。チベットのダライラマにしてもNED支援化にある。真に民主主義を体現していない米製アイドルたちが日本では民主主義の英雄として反中包囲網の目的で喧伝されている。
そこでは、他国の民主化を促す選挙工作における政府開発援助(ODA) とNGOを介するNEDとの連携体制が日本政府との間で確認されている。基調講演 「国際的な民主化支援の価値」で、2005年にブッシュJr.によって設立された国連民主主義基金(UNDEF)事務局長 Roland Richは、日本による他国の民主化工作への関与を証言している。
In the keynote lecture ‘Values of International Democratization Support,’ the UNDEF chief officer Roland Rich mentioned Japan’s commitment for other countries’ democratization. 
日本にはまだ民主主義を専門とする機関は生まれておりません。だ からといって日本が民主化支援に関わっていな いとは言えません。他の形で、例えば、UNDP や 国連民主主義基金といった多国間機関、あるいは インターナショナル IDEA といった国際的機関、 さらには二国間の形でも日本は貢献しています。
-Roland Rich 
Roland Rich depicts that there is still no organization in charge of democratisation in Japan. However, Japan has been in cooperating with multinational organizations UNDP, UNDEF, or international organization IDEA, furthermore, Japan adapts mutual cooperation between two countries for supporting democratisation abroad. 
日本政府、 外務省から、国連民主主義基金へ資金援助され、それが全米民主主義基金との連携で、さらに各国の非政府組織と政党への選挙、組織支援へと資金がマネーロンダリング(資金洗浄)される国際的にも比較的高額な支援体制となっていることが分かる。また、ここには日本の市民、市民団体から直接に国連民主主義基金のプロジェクトへの賛助という逆方向からのラインも存在している点を無視できない。全ては、海外支援や民主化という大義名分のもとに今も行われているし、日本もそのパートナーなのであり、共犯と言える。
About JICA, the partner of NED in Japan:

Japanese government, ministry of foreign affairs with ODA to UNDEF, then, what we can see is cooperation with NED and its NGOs in each country to introduce its financial support which based on money laundering network internationally. And Japan is the largest financial supporter for their democratization that is part of NED=CIA de-stabilization of other countries’ political development. 
Besides, there is financial support from the opposite side that Japan’s citizen and citizen groups directly apply for UNDEF democratization projects. All of them are made under the bright name and cover of international support or democratization. 
UNDEF、国連民主主義基金は、人権を提唱する 民主主義機関として市民や市民集団の参画を募 っています。私たちは、国連から予算を計上して もらう組織ではありません。2007 年、120 のプロ ジェクトが第一弾としてサポートされました。今 回 1800 の申請が世界からございました。中には 日本からもありました。残念ながら、ファンディ ングできるのはその中の75件くらいのプロジェ クトなのです。この 1800 からいかに 75 に絞り込 むか。これはわたくしどもがいま現在やっている 仕事で、実は大変な力を要するものです。日本は ファンディングの面でインドと並ぶ大変大きな 貢献国です。
-Roland Rich 
Roland Rich also testified that UNDEF is recruiting human rights/democracy-oriented citizen and citizen groups from all over the world because they’re not funded by UN itself.
For instance, in 2007, their 120 projects were supported. And there were total 1800 applications. It including Japan. However, not all of them could get into the projects from out side of UN-US establishment. UNDEF could only select 75 out of 1800 applicants for projects they planed. 
And the most important fact is that Japan and India are the largest financial supporters of UNDEF-NED driven democratization of other countries. 
Japan’s SEALDs (ReDEMOS, Public 4 Future)is a NED-funded Fake Grass Roots Movement. NED is an organization that funded and guided by State Department to disturb and manipulate targeted countries or regions by organising and funding NGOs to conduct its mass operations(projects). Besides this, JICA is one of key partners of NED in Japan. 
JICA mainly engaged so called Democratization of Myanmar in tight corporation with USAID and NED. And their US chief Kenichiro Nakazawa, NED and USAID held a meeting in June 20, 2012. (read the report on the 'democratisation')
Furthermore, Japanese Government (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), JICA, NGO, NED confirmed their cooperation in so called 'democratisation' of other countries during the international discussion 'For Support and Intensification of Democratic Entity in Developing Country.' It proved that ODA(Official Development Assistance) is in the use for 'democratisation.'

Additionally, we found NED and JICA supported Aung San Suu Kyi as a US puppet to overthrow Myanmarese military regime which protecting Myanmar from imperialist schemes. 

The trans-border activities of the NED against the Myanmarese military regime seem to be directed mainly from Thailand and India. And the Democratic Voice of America is typical propaganda medium which manipulated by NED imperialists. 

This is evident from a testimony given by Ms. Louisa Coan, NED’s Program Officer for Asia, before the House Sub-committee on Asia and the Pacific on September 17,1997.

She said: 
"NED has been able through its direct grants program to support the dissidents, to support the democracy movement of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, particularly through assistance to the groups along the borders in Thailand and in India, including twice daily radio programming through the Democratic Voice of Burma (author’s comment: based in Scandinavia), newsletters, underground newspaper, underground labour organizing, particular programs to foster inter-ethnic co-operation and unity among the opposition forces in support of Aung San Suu Kyi’s call for tripartite dialogue and national reconciliation."


In sum,  JICA is one of key partners of NED in Japan. 

JICA owns The Association of Nikkei and Japanese Abroad and its member Manila Shinbun which exclusively reported the news of the Manila Gathering. Moreover, JICA is run by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Japanese government supports NED imperialism in Asia. 

Proof of NED manipulation and involvement in Japanese political disturbances is the following photo. NED was actually cerebrating their fake grass roots spreading in Japan. Why did NED retweet and comment on the SEALDs protest?

See the below:

Additional info.

1) One of the intellectual supporters of SEALDs is Tatsuya Yoshioka who is a representative of Peace Boat, and who is also a commissioner of ADN which funded by NED. Peace Boat is one of relative organisations of NED and SEALDs. 

2) Lawyer of SEALDs Kazuko Ito and her organization Human-rights-now has a tight relationship with the NED-related Peace Boat. 

3) On July 30, 2017, Joshua Wong publicly claimed that Asian Democratic Youth Net Work consists of eight countries' grass root movement leaders and expand its networks. Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Japan's SEALDs(ReDEMOS=Public 4 Future), Vietnam/ PhilippinesViệt Tân, VOICE, South Korea's ADN, Malaysia's Bersih, Thailand's NDM(New Democracy Movement) and Tibet's SFT etc.. Total 8 nation alliance. It aims at Anti-China, and its monopoly of Asian Countries by US imperialist regimes. We can call it US Colour Revolutions' 8 Nation Alliance (美帝顏色革命的八國聯軍). Don't forget that it at least 10 countries and regions of Asia excluding July 23-24, 2017 Miura-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan held NED conference (the topic is 'Democratization' of China) which had 50 Western and Asian countries' representatives of this kind attended. This political conference was organized by 中國民主論壇(其主席為秦晉). NED funded Federation for a Democratic China(中國民主陣線), NED branch of Taiwan Foundation for Democracy(台灣民主基金會) and NED funded Umbrella Revolution organizers, Tai Benny(戴耀廷), Pro-Hong Kong Independence from China, and Youngspiration(青年新政)leaders, such as Sixtus Leung Chung-hang梁頌恆),  Yau Wai-ching遊慧禎).  

This 2017 Japan conference claimed that Japan and Taiwan are going to be their  major international bases for 'democratising' China geographically. It links NOYDA. And it is part of entire Anti-China Colour Revolution network. However, India is also a big corroborator for this anti-China scheme. 

About the Japan conference of NED funded anti China groups. See more at the below link. 

Asahi News (Asahi Shinbun) is one of NED propaganda machines.  Their August 24, 2016 article '' What SEALDs Left to Us #6: Party or Citizen? Discussion by the Young'' hides the existence of Manila Shinbun that run by JICA, Japanese government. They just created the episode In January 2016, Joshua invited Okuda and Takano of SEALDs to attend the NED Manila Gathering, NOYDA's founded at this meeting. Asahi Shinbun avoids the true political context from the public. And it proved that they are not true opposition to imperialists but they are one of them. This major medium is also to serve imperialism to deceive Japanese citizens from left wing. 

This is not this kind of individual friend meeting at Manila, but its is a organisational business meeting to conduct more imperialist fake democracy disturbances in the regions. See SEALDs members attend ADN meeting now in Korea. And Okuda and Takano are organisationally replaced by Muranaka and Motoyama etc. Why Asahi did not disclose these facts? 


URL: 人権弾圧にNO! 「中国への経済援助は中国共産党を支援していること」「日本は対中政策を再検討せよ」 

The 'democratisation' means neo-liberalist hell you can see in Chile after the 9.11 , 1973. See more about the classical US imperialist colour revolution, 1973 Chilean coup d'état.  The good news is that these agitators of Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution have been gradually sentenced but it is not reasonably acceptable due to its lightness contrary to colonial era. ''The legacy of colonialism'' such as prestigious class of past colonial era still does exist in Hong Kong, moreover they have been part of anti-China conspiracies of today since notorious 'Operation Yellow Bird' that organisational network and its escape plan for agitators of 1989 Tiananmen square Colour Revolution in Beijing, China. See more about CIA and Colonial UKHK's Tiananmen square colour revolution network by knowing 'operation yellow bird'. 


天安門事件もCIA, MI6, 香港植民地政府主体のオペレーションイエローバードに顕現される反中組織網によるカラー革命であることは、日本では隠蔽されている。この作戦は、脱出作戦であるが、実行と脱出作戦はセットで考案されるのがプロであり、ここに浮かび上がる組織網こそがその事件を実行する際の組織網である点は隠蔽できない。戦後、米国帝国主義が世界50か国で民選の現地の政権を民主の名において違法な手段で転覆し、米国多国籍企業に市場を寡占させて現地の生活産業を蹂躙してきた対米従属化の歴史こそが真の歴史のコンテクストである。真の民主とは、何かをこの歴史から読み取るべきである。


6.4.Tiananmen Square Massacre (1989) was a Lie! Wiki Leaks Proved it!


1989: After the infamous Chinese crackdown on dissenters in Tiananmen Square in June, the US news media was replete with reports that the governments of Nicaragua, Vietnam and Cuba had expressed their support of the Chinese leadership. Said the Wall Street Journal: “Nicaragua, with Cuba and Vietnam, constituted the only countries in the world to approve the Chinese Communists’ slaughter of the students in Tiananmen Square.” But it was all someone’s fabrication; no such support had been expressed by any of the three governments. At that time, as now, there were few, if any, organizations other than the CIA which could manipulate major Western media in such a manner.


The Anti-Empire Report #153

維基解密了六四天安門屠殺是反中媒體捏造的虛假報導的產物!此反中宣傳的工具是假的!Liu Xiaobo was supported by NED

Chinese Colour Revolution Network: 劉曉波 Liu Xiaobo - 獨立筆會 ICPC - 美國民主基金會 NED 劉曉波もNED支援の中国エージェントだった!

(Letter from Charles Liu) 劉曉波與美國民主基金會 (Liu Xioabo and the NED)

[Below blogpost from Jan 08 year mentions a lawsuit between factions of overseas Chinese democracy movement over corruption within the Indepent Chinese PEN Center. What\’s interesting is the author of \’08 Constitution Charter”, aka \’08 Charter\’, seems to have a prominet role in the NED supported Chinese dissident groups ICPC and Democracy China.]
“斗士”內訌 “獨立中文筆會”在美國法庭遭起訴
● 訴諸法律 讓對手付代价
2007年12月3日,美國紐約皇后區民事法庭受理了一宗中國政治异議團体侵權案,頓時引起各界關注。被告方是由美國“國家民主基金會”( National Endowment for Democracy,縮寫NED)資助的“獨立中文筆會”(Independent Chinese PEN Center,簡稱“獨立筆會”ICPC),原告方是“獨立筆會”的會員高寒。此案令洋法官們殊感詫异,正因為侵犯人權、侵犯言論自由的指控落在以爭取民主自由為旗號的民運人士們身上。
● 有你無我 白宮門外吵翻天
“獨立中文筆會”內部的利益糾紛盤根錯節,沖突頻仍,其中“余、王排郭”事件( 亦稱“排郭門”)最具爭議性,是此后“余、王罷免案”、“拿下高、郭”風波(亦稱“刪名門”)、“幵除高寒案”、“余杰不信任案”等一系列內斗的導火索。 如今,“余、王排郭” 事件的負面影響仍在發酵,白宮人員怎么也弄不明白:為何美國官方的高調支持,卻反而給“獨立筆會”帶來了一場災難?
2006年5月20日,自由亞洲電台發布一則新聞《郭飛雄發表公幵信,指王怡和余杰阻止他与布什會面》。消息傳幵,立即在海外“民運”圈內引起強烈反響。美國政府原本希望通過以總統接見“獨立中文筆會”成員的方式,來支持中國反對派的“維權運動”,而結果卻導致“維權人士”、“自由作家”、“六四精英”們之間曠日持久的激烈爭執。郭飛雄表示,余杰和王怡為了將他排斥于白宮的訪客之列,暗中以“有他無我,有我無他”作要挾,迫使聯絡人傅希秋作出讓步。然而,傅希秋、王怡則說:白宮衹邀請基督徒參加會談,而郭飛雄不是基督徒。這种解釋對于群情激憤的“民運”們、“維權”們都缺乏說服力,一時間 “陰謀”之說甚囂塵上。
● 刪名有過結 爭名沒商量
● 揮棒收拾你 還要你道歉
高寒的“罪狀”包括:在筆會領導換屆選舉期間,污蔑祕書長陳邁平“巧立名目”、“中飽私囊”﹔在“余、王排郭”風波中,污蔑會長劉曉波和理事會“參与了余、王二人在美國行為的決策”,并斷定筆會“對余、王訪美進行有組織有目的的宣傳活動”﹔ 擅自公布所謂“民主中國臨時過渡政府各省市政權和平交接委員會接收成員”,使名單中的“獨立筆會”國內會員處于危險境地,并導致許萬平、楊天水被判刑。
● 貧富不均 紛爭之源
● “義工”圖利 坐地分贓
● 財務拒公幵 假賬名堂多
高寒揭露:“獨立筆會”獲得美國NED資助的第一年,就巧立名目,變更用款科目,挪用逾5000-9000美元。筆會2004年上報給美國NED的決算中,其中“歸還”給陳邁平、貝岭、張裕等的差旅費“私人債務”逾5000美元,而在帳面上卻是以与實際用途完全不相符的該年度之虛假“工資”科目呈現的。他指出,衹要那份決算報表沒有明确地寫上:“歸還2003年會員債務”這一科目﹔衹要提交給上次會員大會的那份筆會財務報告中所謂“后來分別由祕書長萬之領取 2000 美元以抵銷2003年出席墨西哥國際筆會大會路費,前任執行主任貝岭領取1350美元以抵銷參加2003年出席墨西哥國際筆會大會路費…張裕領取1159美元以抵銷參加2004年出席西班牙國際筆會獄中作家委員會代表大會路費”之款項,在該決算中是以“工資”來支取的,那么“巧立名目”的批評就成立。
● 民運有幫規 順服成大佬
● 制度成擺設 權力更傲慢
高寒的“章程修正案”雖曾得到許多會員贊同,然而,會長劉曉波以及一些大會工作人員卻“違反行政中立”,中止大會正常進程,紛紛給提案人打電話,動員他們撤案。于是鄭義撤了,王丹、陳破空等也跟著撤了。高寒感嘆道:“反正這圈中也時興‘跟人不跟線’。” 高寒向鄭義“掏心窩子”說:“很明顯,這是典型的‘屁股決定腦袋’定律在作祟。因為,玩真格的‘公幵性’和‘競爭性’,就都有可能要触動到有些人那實實在在的既得利益或預期利益—-中國的政治体制改革之難,不就難在這‘屁股-腦袋’定律嗎?中國的一幫‘自由主義精英’實在也不能免俗!”

Note: If the inserted video has some technical error to view, please visit the video page. 

During a recent meeting, a latin 
american diplomat and his wife provided poloff an 
account of their movements on june 3-4 and their 
eyewitness account of events at tiananmen square. 
Although their account generally follows those 
previously reported, their unique experiences provide 
additional insight and corroboration of events in the 
square.  They were able to enter and leave the square 
several times and were not harassed by troops. 
Remaining with students by the monument to the 
people's heroes until the final withdrawal, the 
diplomat said there were no mass shootings of 
students in the square or at the monument.  
End summary. 

The Latest Political Situation since 2014: Hong Kong is the centre of the NED-funded Anti-China Fake Grass Roots Movements that exploit local dissidents and leftist groups that fooled by their political marketing. The present situation is that among 48 criminal organizers of the Hong Kong colour revolution, there still are 39 organises have not been persecuted yet. The authority has been negligent and affected by colonial prestigious class that preserved their profits after 1997. HongKong people are familiar with their brainwash campaign and blame them that they did not even sent their own children to occupy Central instead of other families' children. 


Only one forth of 2014 anti-China Colour Revolutionaries (Criminals) were prosecuted by HK law authority... Independence of law system is doubted by nationalists because this laziness, cowardliness, lawlessness of HK authority to not prosecute the all leaders and patrons of the Occupy Central movements (Anti-China Colour Revolution). In fact, colonial prestigious ruling class still exist and controls law authorities to delay and prevent normal and strict practice of law forcemeat on them. 

This is the true threat to the independence of Hong Kong law system. 

Brief Knowledge about post 2014 political situation of HK:http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170801/00176_003.html

美帝媒體大紀元,法輪功與美帝顏色革命組織NED的紐帶 Elliott Abrams  作為帝國主義工具的法輪功

Falun Gong-Epoch Times-NED Elliot Abrams Connection  

Summery: Elliot Abrams is NED senior fellow. He is famous for founding NED and several important covert operations for neoconservative stealth imperialism. For example, withholding information from congress on Iran-Contra Affair, engaged in El Salvador's El Mozote Massacre and consultation for Falun Gong and its Epoch Times in New York since 2000. NED's related person is actually a consultant for Falun Gong and its anti-China medium for colour revolution, Epoch Times. Abrams is member, experienced chairman of United States Commission on International Religious Freedom since 1999-2001, 2012-. This is exactly his connection with Falun Gong. Epoch Times was founded during his membership of the commission. Epoch Times is not Chinese medium at all! It is US imperialist medium which aims at anti-China. 

NED describes his profile like this:

Elliott Abrams is senior fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington, D.C. He served as deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser in the administration of President George W. Bush, where he supervised U.S. policy in the Middle East for the White House.
Mr. Abrams was educated at Harvard College, the London School of Economics, and Harvard Law School. After serving on the staffs of Sen. Henry M. Jackson and Daniel P. Moynihan, he was an assistant secretary of state in the Reagan administration and received the secretary of state’s Distinguished Service Award from Secretary George P. Shultz. In 2012, the Washington Institute for Near East Policy gave him its Scholar-Statesman Award.
Mr. Abrams was president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., from 1996 until joining the White House staff. He was a member of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom from 1999 to 2001 and chairman of the commission in the latter year, and in 2012 was reappointed to membership for another term. Mr. Abrams is also a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council, which directs the activities of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. He teaches U.S. foreign policy at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
Mr. Abrams joined the Bush administration in June 2001 as special assistant to the president and senior director of the NSC for democracy, human rights, and international organizations. From December 2002 to February 2005, he served as special assistant to the president and senior director of the National Security Council for Near East and North African affairs. He served as deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for global democracy strategy from February 2005 to January 2009, and in that capacity supervised both the Near East and North African Affairs and the democracy, human rights, and international organizations directorates of the NSC.

He is the author of four books, Undue Process (1993), Security and Sacrifice (1995),Faith or Fear: How Jews Can Survive in a Christian America (1997), and the recently released Tested by Zion: the Bush Administration and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict(2013); and the editor of three more, Close Calls: InterventionTerrorism, Missile Defense and “Just War” Today; Honor Among Nations: Intangible Interests and Foreign Policy; and The Influence of Faith: Religion and American Foreign Policy.
Religion is One of Colour Revolution Devices

法輪功及びそのメディアであるエポックタイムズの顧問がイランコントラ事件で悪名高い帝国主義者Elliot Abramsなのである。このように、NED、すなわち国務省と法輪功はキーパーソンを通じてつながっている。2000年から2017年の今日まで健在である。学生、労組だけでなく、宗教もカラー革命の道具である。ここに法輪功が宗教ではなく邪教と言われる所以がある。

''黃之鋒預告,壯大「亞洲民主青年網絡」,連結八國青年抗爭領袖,又會進行國會游說和參與聽證等等。''  那些領袖們都基本上進不了香港了。

Specific 'Safe' Members of NOYDA(You should block them to prevent the stealth imperialism): 

1. 羅冠聰 Nathan Law   - Umbrella Revolution   (Hong Kong) NED=NDI funded!

2. 林飛帆 Lin Fei-Fan - Taiwan Sunflower Movement  (Taiwan) was backed by NED, USAID, 台灣民主基金會(Democratic Foundation of Taiwan)及其初任董事長兼幕後黑手王金平. 美帝資助台灣獨立的國際組織之一是Formosa Association for Public Affairs (FAPA)。Formosa Association for Public Affaires has tight connection with USAID. And they invited leaders of Taiwan Sunflower Movement just after the end of occupation of the parliament on April 9 and 10th., 2014. Moreover, they had several meetings with NED at Washington. Scheduled their series of events during the movement. 

3. 曾柏瑜 Poyu-Tseng - Taiwan Sunflower Movement  (Taiwan) NED funded!

4. Nghia Trung Trong Nguyen (a.k.a. Effy Nguyen) - VOICE / Việt Tân  (Vietnam and Philipines) NED funded!

5. Chow Alex - Umbrella Revolution   (Hong Kong) NED=NDI funded! His Chinese name is 周永康.

6. Surin Pattamassanuphong -New Democratic Movement (Thailand) NED funded! 

7. 정수연 (a.k.a. Jung Soo Youn) - ADN (South Korea) NED funded ! Asian Colour Revolutionary Agitators' Regional HQ! 

8. Raxiey Adolfo Human Rights (Philippines) NED funded! 

For more actual citation is below: 
【國際連線 團結抗爭】
我以香港代表身份,參與 #亞洲青年民主網絡#NOYDA)的聯署,亞洲青年民主網絡在此向泰國政府提出嚴正抗議,泰國政府在沒有任何理由的狀況下,卻違反人身安全及行動自由逕自扣留黃之鋒,亞洲青年民主網絡認為泰國政府此舉已經嚴重違反人權,我們也強烈譴責中國政府對於香港民主運動者的壓迫。
曾柏瑜、Francis Chao、Nguyen Trung trong nghia
Siriphorn Chaiphet,Young Leadership for Social Change Program, Thai Volunteer Service Foundation、New democracy movement Thailand、Surin pattamassanuphong, พรรคสามัญชน Commoner Party
韓國代表:Soo Yon Suh, Asia Democracy Networ Coordinator
菲律賓代表:Raxiey Adolfo, Co-founder and Commissioner on Human Rights, International Youth United (IYU)
越南代表:Mss Sapphire, Vietnamese Oversea Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE)、Nguyen Thao Chi, Vietnamese Oversea Initiative for Conscience Empowerment (VOICE)
Solemn protest against Thai government for its detention of Joshua Wong.
By Network of Young Democratic Asians (NOYDA)
The student leader of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement, Joshua Wong, was invited by student leader from Thailand to give a speech in Chulalongkorn University. However, Joshua Wong was detained by Thai authorities when he arrived Thailand’s Bangkok Suvarnabhumi International Airport at 0:45 yesterday. He had lost contact for more than nine hours. According to Thai student leader Netiwit Chotipatpaisal, the Thai government had received a letter of instruction from the Chinese government to do so.
The Network of Young Democratic Asians presents solemn protest to the Thai government. The Thai government had violated Joshua Wong’s personal security and freedom of movement by detaining him in the absence of any legal reason. The Network of Young Democratic Asians believes that Thai Government's decision is a serious violation of human rights. We strongly condemn the Chinese government's oppression of the democratic movement in Hong Kong as well.

Japanese Members of NOYDA 



1) Jinshiro Motoyama from SEALDs: He attended 2017 ADN conference to further discuss the next strategy and sustainability of the SEALDs movement with other ADN funded members on May 14-19, in South Korea. 

Jinshiro Motoyama's SEALDs Membership 

Comment: Jinshiro Motoyama is also from International Christian University in Japan where the leaders of SEALDs graduated and cultivated from. ADN now manipulates Motoyama instead of notorious Aki Okuda who lost strong accountability in leftist side. We also can see other Japanese member of NOYDA. 

2) Chihiro Muranaka from SEALDs 

He has the same attitude with Jinshiro Motoyama. And he recently met Agnes Chow Ting 周庭 who speaks Japanese for Umbrella colour revolution agitators. It is obvious that failed agent Aki Okuda was replaced by Chihiro Muranaka who is a wanna be the next 'hero' of fake popular uprising. 


ADN and its Organisations 

Malaysia's Bersih is NED funded Fake Grass Roots Movement that combined with 25-62 NGOs and 5 political parties in Malaysia. On Bersih 2.0 rally, ADN's organisations were listed below: 

  1. Asia Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA)
  2. Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL)
  3. Asia Development Alliance (ADA)
  4. Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) Asia
  5. Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
  6. International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID)
  7. Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA)/ Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN)
  8. People’s SAARC
  9. Southeast Asia Committee for Advocacy (SEACA)
See the article: 

Malaysia: Chair of Electoral Reform Movement – Bersih 2.0, Maria Chin Should be Released ( Asia Democracy Network (ADN) ]

About Bersih NGOs list, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bersih

The Nature of 'Pro-Independence' Colour Revolution Scheme in China Regions

Separatism and Colour Revolution 

These groups are 'Pro-Independence / Pro-Democracy' Movements but in its nature, they are Pro-Neoliberalism. They aimed at establishing puppet regimes for US imperialism and its multi-national corporations.  Destabilisation, pro-independence, pro-democracy are just political methods for the scheme. For example, Xinjiang 'Uyghur American Association' is funded by NED. It seems that it just aimed at pro-Xinjiang independence but it is like other colour revolutions, the final target is to get rid of national regime and replace it by US puppet regime. 


About Hong Kong Destabilisation which called Umbrella Movement (2014),  the great insightful article was written by Land Destroyer. See the article:

See more about Xinjiang 'Pro-Independence' Colour Revolution Scheme

You should know the latest colour revolution (Neo Liberalization of Targeted Country for US Imperialism) is not only based on youths, and it is also cross-regional operations, your thought should not be limited in one generation, one country or one region, other wise you will be doomed.  Such as NDM is typical example of cross regional colour revolutionary operation that involves both Malaysia and Vietnam at the same time. 

Their Asian centre is ADN in South Korea. This is why so many nationalists hate Korea. ADN is in cooperation with Japanese government, such as JICA. Peace Boat also connected ADN to support SEALDs. However, their actors, activities and its connections' expansion have been more limited by authorities who try to prevent US funded colour revolutions and its neo-liberalist hell. Information is the key to destroy their schemes. See the failed Umbrella Revolution. On the contrary, Japan, India and Taiwan are completely manipurated by their bureaucrats and imperialists. And its situation made Japan, India and Taiwan are major contributors of colour revolutions in Asia.  

Fact: NED funds ADN regularly every year. See the below,
e.g. In 2016, NED funded Asia Democracy Network (ADN). 
Korea Human Rights Foundation

About VOICE(Viettan), you can read the article below for further knowledge on the issue. 

VOICE is a branch of the US-made Terrorist Group Viettan.  VOICE's core members are active in Vietnam, Thailand, Philippine, Malaysia, US and now it found its haven in Taiwan. They mainly engage in anti-China and anti-Vietnamese government. And it cooperates with other NED-funded organisations like NOYDA. 

You can see the NED-funded political NGOs, politically established company, independent media and its cross regional networks below: 

NED is establishing anti-China networks that actually surrounding China and other parts of Asia. VOICE is a threat to China's security benefits. You can't only see Joshua Wong audits HK located NGOs as direct threats. VOICE is also now tightly supported by Taiwan for the next colour revolution targeting China. 

Domestic anti-China NGOs in Hong Kong or near China are also cross regional and international organisations which belonging to NED's worldwide colour revolution networks!


Beware of Trinh Hoi and VOICE - A branch of terrorist Viettan

Recently, several anti-governmental individuals have established series of illegal groups and organizations in the name of civil society such as Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, League of Independent Vietnamese Writers, the Network of Vietnamese Bloggers, Association of Bau Bi Tuong Than coordinated by Le Thi Cong Nhan, Vietnamese Women for Human Rights coordinated by Huynh Thuc Vi, Brotherhood for Democracy coordinated by Nguyen Van Dai, Vietnamese Political & Religiuos Prisoners Friendship Association coordinated by Nguyen Bac Truyen, Former Vietnamese Prisoners of Conscience coordinated by Pham Ba Hai,… All these groups and organizations are born to oppose the Party and State of Vietnam. They try to abuse complicated and sensitive matters to distort the Party and State’s policies. 
 Rising from these groups, VOICE - an organization led by Trinh Hoi have showed many activities that go against common interests of Vietnam. So, who are Trinh Hoi and VOICE? Let find out with us.
 From his introduction, we can see Trinh Hoi has a shiny CV (curriculum vitae) with a dream job, lawyer and has worked as an actor which for that he was awarded the Gold Kite  prize of excellent main actor by the Vietnam Cinema Association, and it’s minded that he also was former son-in-law of general Nguyen Cao Ky, Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s husband. 
 Trinh Hoi was born in 1970 in Ho Chi Minh city. At the age of 15, he left Vietnam like other Vietnamese people at this time to earn themselves a better life and came to Australia. In abroad, he has taken part and conducted many activities with anti-Vietnam forces, including Viettan, a known terrorist organization.
 In 2008, he cried out he was summoned by Vietnam’s security authorities about his involvement with Hoang Tu Duy - a spokesman of terrorist organization Viettan and was forbidden to enter the country.   
 Though there are not much information about this man, we still can see his true face by the act of using Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s email address, after divorce, to spread articles denoucing the government inside and outside the country and inciting protests and violence. Those articles had been sent to many forums and email addresses that shocked many people about Nguyen Cao Ky Duyen’s aggressive attitude. It took her time and efforts to explain these allegations.
 According to anti-Viettan elements abroad, after being forbidden to come back Vietnam, Trinh Hoi has held many activities against the Party and State of Vietnam in the name of Viettan. For years ago, Trinh Hoi was a member of Len duong International Vietnamese Youth in Australia, a franchise of Viettan, which has nurtured some so-called member of Viettan central committee. Even, Trinh Hoi always insists that he is not a member of Viettan, (a common characteristic of members of Viettan to avoid being boycotted by overseas Vietnamese who don’t want to engage with this terrorist organization), but through all his activities we can draw an obvious answer for ourselves.
 About VOICE, established in 2007, which Trinh Hoi is a founder and a director for the Philippines’ franchise, which Viettan built up to collect fund from native people and many kinds of Western funds of democracy and human rights. VOICE stands for "Vietnamese Overseas Initiative for Conscience Empowerment", an organization that disguise as a charity one to conduct activities against the State and people of Vietnam. VOICE has launched many training courses to create elements for anti-government campaigns.
 Particularly, VOICE branch in Philippines, which led by Trinh Hoi, is claimed working to assist last Vietnamese boatmen with resettlements in Canada, and to support victims in Haiyan storm. But, the truth is he and his organization are trying to collect money for their activities against Vietnam.
 It is said that with broad range of alleged charity activities, Trinh Hoi and VOICE have used their names just to raise fund for Viettan. For example, to operations of training elements for civil society movements, each year, VOICE has received a proper amount of money from National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and Human Rights Watch. But with all these budget, VOICE just can find enough individuals for their cources, so they have to use same trainees over and over.
 So, while seeing Viettan as a terrorist organization against the State and people of Vietnam, through their complicity, it’s time for us to exclude VOICE from civil society organizations and name them as a terrorist branch, and they must be condemned!

US Government Documents Disclosed 

CECC and Imperialist Agents in Hong Kong

On August 17, 2017 (HK local time), it just before the announcement of court of justice of Hong Kong on sentencing the three Umbrella Revolution agents, co-chairman of US Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC), Chris Smith secretly sent emails to one of Umbrella Revolution organizers, Cheuk- yan Lee to threaten judges of the court of justice by manipulating anti-China media. Cheuk-yan Lee is ex-chairman of Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China which also supported by NED. It proves connection between US imperialists and anti-China propagandists in Hong Kong.

The email was indirectly sent by Chris Smith’s assistant, Scott Flipse.

It has been successfully exploded by pro-China media such as Oriental Daily.

I hope you also can help Hong Kong people to criticize US imperialists in Hong Kong.

About Lee Cheuk-yan: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee_Cheuk-yan

About Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_Alliance_in_Support_of_Pa...

About Chris Smith: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Smith_(New_Jersey_politician) 


URL:Source of the US Congress and Governmental Documents

Oriental Daily: orientaldaily.on.cc


Conclusion: In its nature, the Manila Gathering was organized by NED. In other words, it's a conference of NED funded Grass Roots Movements such groups as Taiwan Sunflower Movement, Hong Kong Umbrella Revolution, Vietnam/Philippine VOICE/Viet Tan, and Japan's SEALDs, SFT etc.. And this was not only a reconstruction of NED funded Fake Grass Roots Movements in Asia and its network, but also it prepares future joint actions of these groups. On the other hand, you can understand why true dissidents failed in Japan and other Asian countries due to fake grass root movements that infiltrate true revolutionary groups and citizens. Astroturfing is the best mass control tool to manipulate true dissidents from the inside and take off their initiatives. This is the reason why so many social movements ended in neo-liberalist hell. 

'Don't let them enter your beloved country or region! Down with stealth imperialism!     請勿讓美帝操作的假草根運動人士進入你所愛的國家地區!其目的在於建立美帝傀儡政權,為美帝跨國企業大開國門寡斷當地資源,實現新自由主義地獄!全亞洲人民的真正的主權獨立萬歲!全世界的工人階級在國際上團結實現更美好的民主主義社會!對美帝爭取獨立!全力支持中國人民及整個亞洲人民對美帝的鬥爭!Do you want Neoliberalist hell in your counrty or region? I don't!Workers of the world unite! 

History is ours. People will make it to build a better society! 

- Ryota Nakanishi 

Citation from Mr.Nakanishi

Special Thanks and Other Recommended Authors and Media

William Blum:http://williamblum.org/  

John Pilger: https://vimeo.com/16724719

Peter Dale Scott:http://peterdalescott.net

Barbara Trent:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0872134/

Blogger m: https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/x_lucy0_x/42656711.html
Also at http://blog.livedoor.jp/anti_global_baron11x/

Blogger Naomi: https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/sayonarakkk_0627/34753610.html

Oriental Daily: orientaldaily.on.cc

Russian Today: https://www.rt.com

New Eastern Outlook:https://journal-neo.org

Landdestroyer :http://landdestroyer.blogspot.hk/2014/09/us-openly-approves-hong-kong-chaos-it.html


The American Empire- Project:http://americanempireproject.com

Yoniumuhibi (Japanese Independent Political Blogger):http://critic20.exblog.jp/28719345/#28719345_1

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