Monday, June 9, 2014

The book is classic for its description of the total nature of the means employed by the U.S. imperialists since 1953 throughout the world to get rid of nationalist policy of other countries to enforce their colonialist policy for multi-national complexes.

In this book, Norodom Shianouk the king of Cambodia testified several pivotal things below:

1. CIA conspiracy of ousting him by conducting Lon Nol Coup was true. He said: From sources in the United States I learned later that the CIA has drawn up a coup which a CIA contact on Lon Nol’s staff had promised would take place in the ‘near future.’(P.37)

2. Although Shianouk nationalized private industries, Lon Nol who was a US puppet de-nationalized them in order to meet the requirement of IMF imperialists. This was a typical neo-liberalist policy which was conducted by U.S. backed dictators. Shianouk wrote that After the cabinet was formed, Lon Nol announced there was to be no more nationalization of private industries and that some state enterprises would be restored to the private sector.Thus on 15 November 1969, the ministers for the Economy and Commerce, Op Kim Ang and Prom Thos respectively, introduced measures to denationalize the import-export trade, to end the state monopoly on the production of alcoholic drinks, pharmaceuticals and other goods and to permit the operation of private sector and foreign banks. (P.41)

3. CIA recruited the Cambodian minority in South Vietnam. It also proved that they tend to re-implant and organize rebellion/terrorism against foreign regimes by thugs who pretend the native protesters like Contra. Shianouk wrote: Here one must note that these squads were not just military police, but there were also CIA-trained commandos recruited from the Cambodian minority in South Vietnam and brought into Phnom Pehn a month before the coup to serve as storm-troopers for the plotters. CIA conductor Allman continues: The demonstrations of 11 March were just one part of a planned two-part effort to oust the prince. ‘We planned two demonstrations,’one of my source said. ‘One for the 11th to create the crisis, the other on 16th.March to provide the pretext for ousting Sihanouk.’(P.45)

4. The most important testimonies about the true aim of U.S. imperialism are that ‘Our problem is not how to get out of Asia but the proper way to stay in Asia,’said Marshall Green, US Under-Secretary of State for Asian Affairs.’There is other testimony of US officer himself, ‘We pay them for killing each other while reduce our own forces,’said Senetor George McGovern.

In conclusion, U.S. imperialist policy of Asia is that paying Asians fight against Asians to secure US foreign interests at their costs in the region(the Nixon Doctrine has still existed until today). The true patriot of Cambodia concluded that ‘Perhaps the essence of the real dividends of American ‘aid’in financing Asians to fight Asians, Indo-Chinese to fight Indo-Chinese, and Cambodians to fight Cambodians, was summed up by Green when he said that ‘a reduced American presence in South-East Asia should not mean a reduction in the overseas activities of our private sector, or of the presence of our commercial and investments as long as the Lon Nols, the Sirik Mataks and the Son Ngoc Thanhs are around.’(P.101)

In other words, our main purpose should be to ousting US forces and their puppets in all Asian countries.This is the only way of getting rid of US imperialism from Asia. Asians must not fight Asians!


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